Looks like I might be doing an electrical apprenticeship when I move to Melbourne. Imagine me coming to your house as an electrician. Funny stuff. But a friend of a friend is looking at taking on an apprentice and everyone knows tradies a) get paid and b) get the ladies.
Whenever I thought of doing a trade I always felt plumbers and sparkies had it best. And it's a choose between dealing with the smell that plumbers have to deal with and running the risk of blowing yourself up as an electrician. Electricians are sexier.
I have no idea what a painter does at TAFE for 3 years. 2 weeks would cover everything
I have no idea what a painter does at TAFE for 3 years. 2 weeks would cover everything
If I had my time again I'd be a sparky. I picked the hardest possible trade and I don't earn what they do.
I wish I'd done a trade. More money, would never have bothered with one degree let alone two, more interesting than the majority of my work, tonnes of work in Canberra as opposed to now where I'm in a very small niche......sigh
A little studying up on employment prospects tells me that working hard in a trade is financially more secure than going to uni for years, copping a huge hecs debt (which is much worse under this government because the merkins want to increase the cost of degrees as well as adding interest to hecs debt). All that and the average graduate has less job security (in the field relevant to their degree) than most tradies do.Wasn't BM planning on being a lawyer (albeit one who'd just skip assignments he didn't want to do).
I don't expect it to be easy. As for the pay, I'm well aware of apprentices getting ordinary wages but it's still more than you get while you're at uni, as well as the big plus of not getting hecs debt. I've got very cheap rent sorted as well as some support from my parents. Living on apprentice money won't be a problem.Not all plumbers deal with shit.
Some work on new installations only.
Also, being an electrician is not f**king easy. Be prepared to be crawling through tiny roofs in incredibly high temperatures...some of it is incredibly tedious work that will bore you to tears...you'll come home covered in dirt, dust, whatever, especially if you are on an industrial job. And expect some shithouse pay for the duration of your apprenticeship. It won't be easy living on a wage like that for 4 years, especially since you're going to be living away from your parents and renting.
Blowing yourself up is the least of your worries.
Love how the RMS makes sure they look busy AFTER accidents.Wish I had done a trade when I was younger aswell. Probably carpentry or plumber.
Instead I took a job that paid twice as much as an apprentice, with easier work.
And now I get paid good money to be out on the road without people looking over my shoulder.
My only issue is when the RMS decide to blitz the f**k out of us after an accident like Tuesday's.
Also I am procrastinating the everloving shit out of this essay....it's only due in about 18 hours, that's heaps of time right?
I have three reports, 1500-2000 words tomorrow. One is basically done, one the research is basically done. One I have the methods and some of the results.1500. It's tiny. It's just reading the 40 page paper and finding the references that's shit.
The researching/reference finding is the most difficult part of any thing that gets handed in by farI only have til 5pm. But I start work at midday. So midday.
It's not a hard essay like I said....just a lot of muck raking, it's getting really tedious.