The worst part about having every Monday off is public holidays don't feel any different....
Jesus. That sounds insane.
The most annoying thing is, I'll go to sleep at around 7am the wake up at around 11am and no matter how tired I am can't go back to sleep after that point.
its so bad for your health if you do that long term, f**ks up your body clock big time
GF ticket received. Anyone want to purchase my kidney so i can fly return to sydney from darwin?
Broncos supporting mate is facing a similar dilemma. A friend gave us her family's tickets if we can just get to the game, but flights are prohibitively expensive.
I dont think yours has ever been established. Maybe why you are so flexible.
Broncos supporting mate is facing a similar dilemma. A friend gave us her family's tickets if we can just get to the game, but flights are prohibitively expensive.
Broncos supporting mate is facing a similar dilemma. A friend gave us her family's tickets if we can just get to the game, but flights are prohibitively expensive.
GF ticket received. Anyone want to purchase my kidney so i can fly return to sydney from darwin?
Fly out Friday, fly back Tuesday. Problem solved.
...straight off a bridge and into the Ocean, you filthy f**king Queenslander scum.
I kungled it for you.