Tennis is fairly low down on the sports I give a shit about tbh, not fussed its done for another year
Absolutely dead, 10 hrs sleep since I got up on friday, did the run leg of an aquathon (7km) Sat morning and ran prety slowly, partly due to lack of sleep + humidity, worked saturday arvo, drank from 6 onwards and got real drunk, crashed out aroun 2-2:30 and woke up 8:30 on a mates couch, had to negotiate getting home and then work 6-11:45 tonight. Time for osme Archer and bed
Absolutely dead, 10 hrs sleep since I got up on friday, did the run leg of an aquathon (7km) Sat morning and ran prety slowly, partly due to lack of sleep + humidity, worked saturday arvo, drank from 6 onwards and got real drunk, crashed out aroun 2-2:30 and woke up 8:30 on a mates couch, had to negotiate getting home and then work 6-11:45 tonight. Time for osme Archer and bed