Garts how is your brother in law doing now?? is he getting help?
Hala i understand what you mean about the counseller trying to get to the core of something, but i dunno, the way he went about it and the way he said was awful and he really creeped me out.
and yeh Eeele, i have a history of drug addiction, mental illness and alcoholism in my family too. ive always tried to ignore it and bury it, but i think perhaps genetics is a factor.
that's why i want to make a change because i don't want to end up dead at 35 like my uncle and grandfather
As Twizz said, you have a great attitude. IMO that is the first step

It's tough. But it's achievable.
And if it helps, I am serious - PM me (add me to FB if you really want) and I would be all too happy to be a listener.
And I can sympathise with the whole low self-esteem thing. All my life I was a tubby kid. A few years ago I started playing soccer regularly and lost a lot of weight. Then, through a series of personal events, I just stopped caring and fell into depression. I put all the weight back on. And I mean a fair bit. It's coming off, slowly. I'm not as big as I was.
But then you combine it with the fact I was not happy with my direction on life and my self-esteem levels were pretty low - I felt I had very little worth, mainly because I felt I was going nowhere and had nothing to offer.
I worked through it. It was tough, but it's mostly behind me.
Anyway, point is - I like to think of myself as a good person, and if I can help in any way, I will try to do so. Plus I can sort of relate, because I, too, have always had similar problems.
But I hope everything works for you. I sincerely do.