Need your help peep's. I've now suddenly got a job interview at lunchtime tomorrow. Need a good excuse to have an annual leave day, in the next 40 minutes. Been wracking my brain and I can't come up with anything. Had one recntly for another job interview and claimed that I had a builder out to fix some stuff so I probably can't use home repairs again so soon. Don't want to just throw a sickie as someone else I work with knows I have an interview and she's a Goodie two shoes who wouldn't approve if I called in sick for such a reason and would possibly then go and dob me in.
Any ideas?
Congrats! I assume thats a paid position?
Sweet beard of Zeus I just made the best pizza ever.
cheese hot-salami ham bacon egg onion pepperoni pineapple MOAR CHEESE
Hi all!
Been away from here for ages, hope everyone is doing well.
Except Raiders_Premiers ... he didn't use to frequent this place, f**k me he's a giant merkin.
so does Kiki get to be on the inside cover with the little photo telling people what's in the mag and when does the first issue come out?
Lol ahh yes.... dRaGonzzZ rUlE!!1. Possibly the f**king dumbest, stupidest Stain Merge fan of them all.
Congratulations, that's quite an achievement