Tell Bakerboy he owes me a slice of oreo cheesecake.Between my dad and the baker there's none left
Tell Bakerboy he owes me a slice of oreo cheesecake.Between my dad and the baker there's none left
I'm sure it tastes better than that.Ive been yelling and screaming at poeple to try and convince them to make me an oreo cheescake for days now. Still nothing.
Utter horseshit.
What are you, George W. Bush?You're either with us or against us. You either love freedom or you're a communist. You either go for the US of A to win the medal race or you go for China and become a dirty commie.
George Bush is a f**king idiot but I did like that phrase. If he stayed out of Iraq and stopped invading places after Afghanistan he could have been a half decent President.What are you, George W. Bush?
:roll: There is no black ior white issue in politics, its all grey.George Bush is a f**king idiot but I did like that phrase. If he stayed out of Iraq and stopped invading places after Afghanistan he could have been a half decent President.
When it is a black and white issue, good v bad, right v wrong, freedom v communism, "with us or against us" does apply IMO. Being "neutral" in an issue like that is the same as being on the wrong side.
Like people that we're "neutral" in the civil rights era.
Dafuq, where did the ST numbers go?
Morning BDR just think of all the time now you can dedicate to this thread! You can keep up to date with BowelMovement's fantasy life and lack of knowledge.
Hala recked it. But we all know its XXXVII.Dafuq, where did the ST numbers go?
Umm...I want numbers back. Almost everyone wants numbers back. Hala is a dictator ignoring the will of the people.I recommend banning BM from all previous and future Superthreads in protest until we get numbers back.
From what I read earlier its thanks to your stupid sig declarations.Hala recked it. But we all know its XXXVII.