Take your confessions and f**k off BM. Your not wanted here.
You and me just need to hug it out bro.
Can you at least admit you aren't in Mensa? Of all the bullshit you've spun that's easily the most laughable.
Ok I'm not in Mensa. That was a poetic technique I used (exaggeration) to make a point. I am highly intelligent with a well above average IQ. But no I am not in Mensa. People need to stop taking EVERYTHING so bloody literally. Allow for some creative writing to make a point. Did any of you do year 12 English?
Big Brother starts tonight
- only reality show i have time for
Counting down the minutes! The last year or two on channel 10 did suck IMO. I hope it's better this time around compared to how it finished off before.
Beards are hot. I only date hairy dudes.
Women are so confusing. This is another thing you people cannot decide on. Some girls like hairy men, some girls like non hairy men. Just like the opening door thing. This week I got a mean look from one woman for opening a door for her and then I got snapped at for NOT opening a door for another woman that same day.
I wish you guys would make up your mind about what youse want. A nice simple list handed out to guys on our 18th birthday would be great.