Did my "let the adults talk" line really sting you Raider?
A guy who gets offended that easily shouldn't wage into religious debates.
i actually had to go back and have a peak seems like i had addressed this matter, obviously you have some unresolved issues about my response. That's your issue. Not mine dude.
But i digress, lets stop playing the man, lets play the ball. Tough for a boy with blinkers on but lets give him the benefit of the doubt.
I ask RABK to:
Elaborate on his claim that the facial on tahu was a "thumb in the eye"?
Elaborate on Tahu's actions and whether they negatively or positively impacted on the result of the game, given the circumstances?
Also id love him to elaborate on the matter of Tahu's prior record of being a wanker, a grub and a racist. In particular, the Joey - BooWoo incident.