It was probably repeated minor infringements.
I’ve had a stack of posts removed. This place can have some weird quirks with what will get pulled. Especially in the main forum.
some of my posts that were deleted were so vanilla. Literally no way that they could be interpreted as offensive or a legal liability.
I’d like to see him let back in.
Even if he shunned timely warnings -his time out so far -would have a chilling deterrent effect.
What about a probationary period?
A curfew on his posting tines so he doesn’t post anything offensive when the mods are having their staff meetings or at the donut shop having a break?
He could report in to a mod once a day?
He could do an on line counselling course and read up on the horrible on-line bullying etc ( if that’s what he did). I mean I can’t even visit some forums because of the vigilantes who follow me around and abuse me and some folk can’t visit their own teams forums.
If he offended someone in particular and upset them, he could do an open letter of apology and show genuine remorse?
He could help your mods clean up old forums for a few hours a week. Lu community service?
Editing for the ezine?
Advertisment clicking?
Some forums don’t even like the grieving process, so it’s good your mods are giving you some air with it and allowing me to contribute.
We would do that at WT Lu I think, but our forum is primeval, anarchy and there is no party line or insipid ideology. Free thought is mandatory, anyone gets too bossy, they get beaten up. Visitors welcome.