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The 10 per cent of Canterbury fans that give the Dogs a bad name


It took me all last week to decide to go to the Parra/Bulldogs game as I have been before with my children and it wasn't nice. However after reading all the posts on this forum and also checking out the bulldogs own sites, decided that there would be enough security and the seperation of the fans made me more confident. So I took my 10 year old son (West Tigers supporter) and we went together. We had no problems at the game. It was walking back through the park where 2 rather large Bulldogs supporters starting abusing my son (who was holding my Parra flag) and me - I was on the phone to my hubby asking him if he thought the refs decisions were correct - I was not talking to anyone around me! We were then subjected to a 5 minute verbal abuse and it got quite aggressiveby them. It wasn't until a group of other Bulldog supporters heard what was going on - and they came to our rescue and told them to get lost. It left my son in tears and me quite frightened after what was a brilliant night. It is the minority who ruin it for the majority, but why should women and children not allowed to attend the games - I love my football as do my children

Sad to hear... I feel for you and your Son. Samething happened to my Girlfriend and I, Parramatta supporters were abusing us. I congratulated them on the victory yet they found it funny to start calling me a rapist (In front of my girlfriend), F*** Bulldog choker, F***** Loser etc.

Unfortunately I’ve been to enough games to know it happens everywhere and just laughed back at them.


It took me all last week to decide to go to the Parra/Bulldogs game as I have been before with my children and it wasn't nice. However after reading all the posts on this forum and also checking out the bulldogs own sites, decided that there would be enough security and the seperation of the fans made me more confident. So I took my 10 year old son (West Tigers supporter) and we went together. We had no problems at the game. It was walking back through the park where 2 rather large Bulldogs supporters starting abusing my son (who was holding my Parra flag) and me - I was on the phone to my hubby asking him if he thought the refs decisions were correct - I was not talking to anyone around me! We were then subjected to a 5 minute verbal abuse and it got quite aggressiveby them. It wasn't until a group of other Bulldog supporters heard what was going on - and they came to our rescue and told them to get lost. It left my son in tears and me quite frightened after what was a brilliant night. It is the minority who ruin it for the majority, but why should women and children not allowed to attend the games - I love my football as do my children

Remember that some of these troublemakers have origins going back to countries where women are forbidden to attend sporting events...

Shire Panther

So let me get this straight. Shire starts a thread automatically ripping 10% (where the f**k did he get that number from)
Did you read the OP? if you did then you would of seen where i got the 10% be it right or wrong.
To tell you the truth i dont really care if it was 1%, 4%, 12% or 23% of Dogs supporters the fact of the matter is that the was X% of Dogs supporters starting trouble when there was no need.

The General

Did you read the OP? if you did then you would of seen where i got the 10% be it right or wrong.
To tell you the truth i dont really care if it was 1%, 4%, 12% or 23% of Dogs supporters the fact of the matter is that the was X% of Dogs supporters starting trouble when there was no need.

And there was police on hand to handle the situation. What more did you want done?


I dont go watch the games any more because of a minority of dogs supporters , in the St George forum i got classed as a copout for making a stand and told i was selling out on my team because of this , if im classed as a copout that fine but the dogs deserve this rap i dont care how blue and white some of our views are. Yes all teams have dickhead fans but our bad habits keep returning and its getting to the stage where action has to be taken, if it involves lockouts or lost points im not sure but something has to be done

Shire Panther

You keep saying 10% to cover up your b/s
Ok people the games up Bulldog force has caught me out the whole thing is B/S, apparently:sarcasm:

because you and everyone here well and truly knows that it's 1% you genius.
So its official?? 1%?? I wasnt aware that the Bulldogs/NRL/NSW Police/ NSW Government/Federal Government/ Berau of statistics had released the findings of the "what percentage of Bulldogs supporters are trouble makers study" i wonder who paid for the study to take place? the tax payer no doubt.
Wish i had of seen the findings of the report beofre i posted this thread i could of saved myself a lot of embarrasment:eek: Is it possible to get a link to the findings of the official study? im interested to see this confirmed 1% that me and everybody here well and truly knows. You genius.

You say a bunch of boys... it would have to be a pretty HUGE bunch of boys to be 10% considering about 40,000 supporters that were there on Friday night were Bulldogs supporters. Going by your 10% statistics, that indicates that the gang consisted of 4000 boys :)lol:) - even by my closer calculation 1% = 400 boys - STILL too much.
Did you read the OP??? you would of seen where i came up with 10% they wernt my words i just couldnt think of anything to call the thread so i used a quote that i heard on the way home, You dont like it? I dont care!

like you're not trying to start trouble..
Your right im not trying to start trouble! ill leave that to the officially confirmed 1% of Dogs fans that get off on starting trouble.
Is that official aswell?

Shire Panther

What gets me is that in the original post - Panther said he'd been attending games involving Canterbury for 15 years and never experienced an incident.
So if you have 15 years (during which large sections of the Lebanese community have supported the Dogs) of positive experience, why get put off over one negative incident?.
Maybe because I seen a guy on crutches knocked over and a young boy get the life scared out of him and their crime?? waiting patiently for a bus. And the fact that lots of people minding their own business had to put up with a bunch of idiots with their shirts of running around like idiots with no intention other than starting trouble and with no regard for the public.

A friend who was at the game and is a Bulldogs fan posted on another forum that the abuse he'd personally received from Parramatta fans on the night was disgusting.
I agree no need for it.


First Grade
Maybe because I seen a guy on crutches knocked over and a young boy get the life scared out of him and their crime?? waiting patiently for a bus. And the fact that lots of people minding their own business had to put up with a bunch of idiots with their shirts of running around like idiots with no intention other than starting trouble and with no regard for the public..

I agree that it's not good. But boycotting games isnt the answer. Making it clearly understood their behaviour isnt welcome is the answer.

If you dont go, then it's the game that suffers and those idiots have achieve more negatives than just their bahaviour.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Dear oh dear.

I cannot believe some people think that my opinion is "it doesn't happen, it's not Bulldogs fans"... does anyone actually read what people post or do they just look at buzzwords and then ATTACK!??

Seriously. I know this problem happens, I know it's related to our club, but I don't understand how other fans can pin it on the Bulldogs club as if it's a problem the club has to take complete control of, ESPECIALLY in incidences like this story where it's happened outside the stadium in a public place.

Regardless of the location of this sort of thing, it is the role of law enforcement to find and prosecute these buggers - gaol 'em, fine 'em... I don't care - deal with them.

The Bulldogs already assist in this by hiring more than the standard amount of security and police for their home games, so how exactly they're "sitting on their hands" on the matter has me stumped.

I can only imagine it's outside the club's jurisdiction to do anything else as they would be interfering with police operations... but at no point am I denying it happens, get that through your heads!

(That said, I do get mighty frustrated when people use incidents as an excuse to lay a boot into our club. These people are f**kwits, irrespective of the jersey they wear or the team they cheer for.)


Dear oh dear.

I cannot believe some people think that my opinion is "it doesn't happen, it's not Bulldogs fans"... does anyone actually read what people post or do they just look at buzzwords and then ATTACK!??

Seriously. I know this problem happens, I know it's related to our club, but I don't understand how other fans can pin it on the Bulldogs club as if it's a problem the club has to take complete control of, ESPECIALLY in incidences like this story where it's happened outside the stadium in a public place.

Regardless of the location of this sort of thing, it is the role of law enforcement to find and prosecute these buggers - gaol 'em, fine 'em... I don't care - deal with them.

The Bulldogs already assist in this by hiring more than the standard amount of security and police for their home games, so how exactly they're "sitting on their hands" on the matter has me stumped.

I can only imagine it's outside the club's jurisdiction to do anything else as they would be interfering with police operations... but at no point am I denying it happens, get that through your heads!

(That said, I do get mighty frustrated when people use incidents as an excuse to lay a boot into our club. These people are f**kwits, irrespective of the jersey they wear or the team they cheer for.)

To be fair that happens with all clubs. If something negative is reported in the press regarding any team the haters of that team will team will of course lay the boot into them. In saying that you bastards cop it more than anyone in regards to fans behaviour. Not unexpectably though.


First Grade
Dear oh dear.

I cannot believe some people think that my opinion is "it doesn't happen, it's not Bulldogs fans"... does anyone actually read what people post or do they just look at buzzwords and then ATTACK!??

Seriously. I know this problem happens, I know it's related to our club, but I don't understand how other fans can pin it on the Bulldogs club as if it's a problem the club has to take complete control of, ESPECIALLY in incidences like this story where it's happened outside the stadium in a public place.

Regardless of the location of this sort of thing, it is the role of law enforcement to find and prosecute these buggers - gaol 'em, fine 'em... I don't care - deal with them.

The Bulldogs already assist in this by hiring more than the standard amount of security and police for their home games, so how exactly they're "sitting on their hands" on the matter has me stumped.

I can only imagine it's outside the club's jurisdiction to do anything else as they would be interfering with police operations... but at no point am I denying it happens, get that through your heads!

(That said, I do get mighty frustrated when people use incidents as an excuse to lay a boot into our club. These people are f**kwits, irrespective of the jersey they wear or the team they cheer for.)

It's just that your team has MORE than its fare share. Our club cops it too.. Our players only have to take a dump and it's all over the news.. :lol: