Disclaimer: I don't much care for either mob.
Gronk, it's a bit harsh to put it all on Abbott (ok, so his words are laughably stupid - again!). But there hasn't been a great deal they (Libs) have been able to DO about the alleged 'debt and deficit disaster'. There is little doubt that the curve was set in motion by Rudd, illustrated below:
Abbott stepped up to the plate 2013, and the measures his party attempted to put in place are yet to pass. So to point the finger solely at them is silly. Ok, I would agree that maybe their policies are too stupid to pass, and that they need to find better ones? But there is surely SOME truth to the 'debt and deficit disaster' - extrapolate the graph yourself, it isn't heading in a good direction is it?
There must be some measures put in place, are $60k university degrees the answer? Is charging Granny $7 to see the GP a good idea?
Right idea (fix debt), wrong solutions? And yes, hilarious contradiction in position!!