Easily the 5 greatest
Van Halen-Van Halen, well documented what this album done for the guitar and rock in general, and introduced everyone in the world to the argurably the greatest guitarist ever seen in Eddie Van Halen.
Ten-Pearl Jam, i know many PJ fans will say they had better albums but that's a load of sh*t, this album is just great to listen too with everysong worth a couple of repeats. Easily there best album.
Out of the Cellar-Ratt, pretty much started to the LA scene in the early 80's and this album made them the most popular rock group in the US for a little while. Amazing guitar, lyrics, riffs, drums everything!!!!!!!!
Mellon Collie-SP, people tend to forget this album, but when this was released they had a number of smash hits and were probably the most popular band in the world in the mid to late 90's. Great album
Appetitie for Dstruction-Gunners, simply amazing. Axl at his best and slash at his creative best with some of the most popular riffs of all time. Great act and biggest group in the world for quite some time.