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The Comic Book Film Thread *** SPOILERS ***


Watched Justice League this morning...

I’ll try not to spoil anything...

I enjoyed it... the team up was really awesome....

I liked the new guys... Cyborg especially.

I thought the story suffered severely from the fact that they didn’t have solo films for Aquaman, Cyborg & Flash before hand... so they spend a large chunk of the 2hr running time trying to establish the 3 new characters and they kinda gloss over the main story.

Some of the CGI was horrendous.... there’s one scene early on where WW stands on a massive statue... it looks straight out of the late 90’s early 00’s.

Mind you... Ragnarok had some terrible CGI too...

I think it’s a good start.... definitely worth going to watch if your a comic book film fan....

I’d like to see them pull away from Snyder’s dark style... i think the humour in the chemistry that the characters have kinda lightens up Snyder’s tone....

The very end credit scene as well was VERY cool... really promising for what’s coming up.
Does Superman make an appearance? I'm going with my son to watch it tomorrow.


Out of curiosity, what comic book movies did you enjoy?

Srs question
Flash Gordon
Superman II
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
Batman vs Superman (Extended)
Justice League
Sin City
V for Vendetta
The Crow
X-Men: First Class
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Iron Man
Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy


Seeing some of the critical reviews now....

Rotten Tomatoes hasn’t put the score up yet as they pushed it to their FB show first.... I skipped through most of it and they have it rated at 43%.

Pretty harsh imo.... i thought it deserved to be in the 60-70’s range.

Metacritic has it at 49.

It has some issues... but certainly worth going to watch IMO...


Staff member
Lol so hes basing a 33% score purely on a late embargo lift?

From all reports from the limited advanced screenings given out to select members of the movie industry, the buzz has been positive

Honestly, I just don't get the death riding on a movie that hasn't even come out. Who benefits from that?
Wow, they can come up with just about anything to make idiots like you click.
Currently at 40% on RT and 48 on metacritic. Looks like statistics were right after all. Keep your heads up, DC fans...Wonder Woman 2 is only 2 years away. That’s provided Warner’s don’t pull the plug on the whole DCEU by then


Currently at 40% on RT and 48 on metacritic. Looks like statistics were right after all. Keep your heads up, DC fans...Wonder Woman 2 is only 2 years away. That’s provided Warner’s don’t pull the plug on the whole DCEU by then

WB would be absolutely stupid to pull the plug on the DCEU.

Say what you like about it critically... but there’s no denying they make massive amounts of money... which at the end of the day is all that REALLY matters.

If they ever pulled the plug on it I reckon someone like 20th Century Fox will pick it up and smash it out of the park...

Although... if all the rumours end up true 20th Century Fox could end up owned by Disney in the not too distant future.

Caped Crusader

Why would they pull the plug on movies that make them millions of $?

The RT % wont stop people from seeing it. If you are basing your movie going purely on that then you are dumber than a box of hammers.

The fact that movies like Kong Skull Island got 76% on RT show just how flawed the agrigate system is. That movie was shhhhhiiiittt


Staff member
My word you DC fanbois are an insecure bunch. The second that someone points out how shit your movies have been you immediately start with the name calling. I guess that’s all you’ve got when you’ve hitched your wagon to a failing franchise.

FTR I do rely on movie reviews to determine whether a movie is worth me spending money to go see, otherwise if it’s shit (as is the case with Justice League) then I’ll just wait a few months and download the torrent.


I think the problem is with DC at the moment it does not know how to make a great Superman film they compare them to The Richard Donner films of Superman 1 and 2


The DC v Marvel arguments are fallacy in this day and age...

It’s really Time Warner v Disney... how exciting.... :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:

Caped Crusader

My word you DC fanbois are an insecure bunch. The second that someone points out how shit your movies have been you immediately start with the name calling. I guess that’s all you’ve got when you’ve hitched your wagon to a failing franchise.

FTR I do rely on movie reviews to determine whether a movie is worth me spending money to go see, otherwise if it’s shit (as is the case with Justice League) then I’ll just wait a few months and download the torrent.
Who called you names?

All I said was anyone who relies on a RT % score to determine whether they see or dont see a movie is stupid. If you put yourself in that category then I'd suggest the insecurity lies in you bro

FTR, there have been more than enough positive reviews of JL to justify seeing the movie. Most smart movie goers know the critics they trust and will go from there


All I said was anyone who relies on a RT % score to determine whether they see or dont see a movie is stupid. If you put yourself in that category then I'd suggest the insecurity lies in you bro
It does seem that way. Frederick apparently needs someone else to tell him which films he enjoys.


Post Whore
All I want to to know is - was Jason Monica's Aquaman as good as he made it look in the trailer?

I hope to see this film this weekend.

Aquaman on the silver screen, played by a badass actor! I never thought I'd see the day!