Zack Snyder>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joss Whedon
Zack Snyder>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joss Whedon
i love how everyone thinks he is a genius because of the avengers, which was pretty much gift warped to him
most of his garbage tv shows have been cancelled
god it is so damn easy to rile up the marvel fangirls
wow his last movie grossed a massive 4 million lol
imagine if he hadn't been give the avengers on a platter he would be in brett rather territory
Winter Solider is the best thing marvel has ever done 110%
but i highly doubt marvel could ever top a film like Superman:The Movie
all the ground work was done for him
iron man, captain america, thor etc etc
that all leaded up to avengers
he just comes in with everything served to him on a platter
and everyone says "wow what a genius"
the movie was always going to be a sucess, no matter what
credit must go to marvel for there phase 1 movies, not so much the 2nd phase
doesn't really matter what i say you will come up with some garbage, like you always do
make mine marvel lol
Finally figured out how to work these spoilers. Re GOTG..
DRAX is meant to be pretty bad ass and on Hulks level if not stronger. This movie made him seem like a bit of a weakling
Just prior to the 2006 "Annihilation" mini-series and continuing through the present, Drax undergoes a physical change resulting in a much smaller physical form, his superhuman physical powers greatly reduced to a level comparable to those of his original form and the loss of his energy projection & flight capabilities. However, his intellect has returned to its original level, and he has taken a liking to using knives in battle.
That hugely depends on what version of Drax you're comparing to. Drax's power was only equal to Hulk when he was in posession of the power gem.
The version used in the movie appears to be the Annihilation version:
Man of steel was incredibly average. DC have failed miserably at fleshing out a character thats not named Batman. In the cinematic world Marvel owns DC.. either directly via their own studio or indirectly via Fox's XMen. A movie like Captain America The Winter Soldier is way beyond man of steel and in my opinion on par with the best batman flick. Guardians of the galaxy is fantastically fun. Cost almost half of what green lantern did to make yet wipes the floor with it.