I just saw Age of Ultron.
Gotta say, I'm actually disappointed. I can't really put my finger on why, but there was no sense that I was watching this 'big event movie'.
I think the problem lies not with this movie, but with the ones that have come before it. The stakes in the non-Avengers universe movies have been getting bigger - in movies like Thor 2, Cap 2, Guardians, they are trying to stop someone from annihilating either millions of people, a whole planet or the entire universe.
The stakes in this one just seem the same as those. These movies should be building up to these big events with smaller stories, but they just keep getting bigger and bigger.
Ultron was a good character, but they didn't go far enough with him. I didn't feel that he was real menacing. I never got the feeling that he was going to be hard to beat. They needed a stage where the odds seem to be impossible. That didn't seem to happen.
It's not a bad movie by any means, it was just not the great movie I was expecting. I did enjoy it and will watch it again, but it failed to capitalise on some good ideas in the script.