Hmmm, just saw the fights.
Obviously the Victor v Garth fight was a bit of a shambles, but I'm just confused about Victor. He had 26 wins, 26KOs or whatever it was coming in to this, yet in all of his fights so far he's looked like he's fighting in slow motion (even when it isn't in slow motion btw). They must have done a hell of an editing job on him if he really won that fight like he thinks, because they hardly showed him throwing a punch for the entire 5 rounds. tbh Garth looks pretty ordinary yet he was getting shot after shot through and Victor was hardly even putting up any defence. Can't believe Victor knocked Kariz out in the second round when they fought, yet it's right there on youtube.
As for the second fight, surprised it wasn't a majority decision or a split decision. Again, dunno if it was a dubious decision or a case of selective editing. The slow-mo certainly highlighted that Clenshaw has a lot of weight behind his punches and landed a lot of clean blows, as Jono078 said. Can't believe he lost 4 out of 4 or 5 out of 5 or whatever it is to Nader over the last decade.