I love zombie movies as well... Not even close.
How is offering an opinion saying a tv show is crap, 'whining'?
Because after someone said they liked watching it you for some reason had to come on and say how awful it was without any reason. You only seemed to say it because EA said it was good. You came on and complained about the show when no one cared or wanted to hear it. Pretty much the definition of a whinge.
It's had far more character development and interaction than any zombie movie I have ever seen. It's also had more development than the comics so far, in which for most of the characters, especially Shane, no development occured until they got to the prison. And at the prison there was little action until they discovered Woodbury.
You also posted unfair generalisations about fans liking this also liking True Blood and Lost. I have seen neither. I didn't want to watch another vampire show and I didn't want to watch a show about people stuck on the island, so I didn't. I also didn't complain about them for no reason. I just didn't watch them.
If you are going to criticise something then explain why. Why are the actors 'woefully bad' (a ridiculous assertion) and why is the writing bad? Because even though you say the comics are good, Kirkman oversees the show and it's plot as well, even writing a few episodes.
The show deals with the themes surrounding the apocalypse excellently in my opinion. Conversations between Hershelle and Rick and Rick and Shane especially. It expands on the themes in the comics and does a good job at it. The major theme about the living being more dangerous than the dead is also done very well.
And the things that you whinged about before were the Hobbit, Avengers, Dark Knight etc. Where you criticised them for no apparent reason other than other people said they were good. Also what was wrong with Breaking Bad season 4? Because that has been the best received so far.
You made silly generalisations about fans of the show. You also said AIDS was more enjoyable. Expect to be criticised when you say crap like that for christ's sake.