Yeh same here. Annoyed the f**k out of everyone around me(way up high in the north/west section) during the game. Soon as fulltime sounded I sat down and cried like a teenage girl.I cant believe it....still cant
I cried like a baby and was shaking like never before
I love every one of you. If you didn't live this ride, you don't understand. You guys are all tragics. We earnt this. We did it.
I f**king love you all.
Relieved you came to your senses Quigs ... Tonight will help heal some old wounds for us long suffering kaarrnntts though!Not long after the fulltime hooter sounded I was in a general footy conversation with a small group at the Old Mates place. There was that munch love in the room I, yes moi, I dropped my guard and even had a noice word for Toovey and the Hartleys.
Luckily I recovered quickly and yes they are still arseoles.
Flew out from England for the game. Not ashamed to say I cried and cried and cried.
Bring in the world club challenge?