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The Hayne Experiment


LOL yes he is illiterate ! and i agree your halfback doesnt control play he should be axed. However i disagree that every kick goes to the fullback. Every kick did go to the fullback but it our backline was also there to stop any breaks in the line. Maybe theres something to it ??????????

Exactly. Sometimes the best thing you can do is kick straight to the fullback (or winger), surround him, and deck him - which is what they did all night. Especially if it`s a flashy fullback like Wesser; it frustrates him and takes him right out of the game. Which is exactly what happened.


What a halfback should also do is create opportunities, get in good 5th tackle options and lead the team around in attack. Finch just doesn;t do these...He's not the answer and I still can't believe that stunned f**king mullet signed him for three years. Finch needs to go to 6, where he has actually played ok for us, and give Robson, Mortimer or KK a shot at 7. Not that any of them are ideal halves, but they're better options than him IMO

Yeh i agree with you pushing him to 6.. maybe thats a good decision ! Id also like to see mortimer there but i dont think hes gonna be here for long. you can expect him to go to his dads team! Id love to see him in our first grade side


Post Whore
We saw again tonight the DEFENSIVE risk with Burt at fullback. Missing that bomb was a tad rookie, even if it was a good kick.


The kick was pin point and targetted the uprights, any fullback would have been odds on to drop it. Once again, the rabid Burt haters blindly criticise, despite the fact he was one of our best and certainly played better than the Channel 9 MOTM

Eels Dude

He's still learning the position. It was never going to be an overnight sensation. He runs the ball a bit too much but I don't think it's as simple as drop him from the position at the moment. The 5'8th position doesn't exist anymore. Every side structures the 5'8th position to suit their team's needs so once things gel between the whole team a bit better we'll probably get a more accurate assessment of how Hayne is going.


Post Whore
What did INU do ??? Burt made one mistake! I know it caused a try however he made up for it! The rest i agree with ! Reddy should be first... remindms me of his father and maybe better on tonight performance

Burt was one of our best, as was Inu who made a lot of metres and was unbeatable in defence with Green and Gold Joel....


Exactly. Sometimes the best thing you can do is kick straight to the fullback (or winger), surround him, and deck him - which is what they did all night. Especially if it`s a flashy fullback like Wesser; it frustrates him and takes him right out of the game. Which is exactly what happened.

Glad you agree, id like to also see some young one come through but the game was DA's baby tonight, english premier league shut out! Just like DA at Leeds Rhinos


Staff member
Both our halves are f**ked. This not a anti-Finch post at all.

I WANT FINCH IN THE TEAM. He does the little things that saves our arse many times.

However, If he's a NRL standard half back then I am Rupert Murdoch. Also, Hayne needs to learn he's playing in a team not individually.

He gets the ball, he tries a step and then gets tackled. tbh, it reminds me of Karmichael Hunt.

That is my opion of finch needs to be in the side but not at half. Late in the game I saw Finch run the ball straight and hard , he looked good running like a forward. I like Mateo playing at lock but I think he is to brillant for a hard running forward ( of course my opinon would be different if we had someone else who could play in the halfs). I think keating needs to go to half and maybe Mateo to 5/8. Put it this way two of Kris , Mateo , Finch need to be in the half's - who has the more natural brillance between the this three ? My opinion is Mato and Keating, so this pushes finch to lock.

I would then move Hayne to fullback and burt to the bench playing the role Keating is currently playing. Another option is Hayne to centre and smith to centre - but I think Smith is playing to good at centre to change the combination. Hope this makes sense , been having a few beers , cannot remember the last time the EELS defended like tonight !!!:D


Post Whore
Yeh i agree with you pushing him to 6.. maybe thats a good decision ! Id also like to see mortimer there but i dont think hes gonna be here for long. you can expect him to go to his dads team! Id love to see him in our first grade side

The problem we have is that the only real halfback we have is Robson, who is probably not the answer. KK is a 6, as is Mortimer ideally...that said, I think they're all better options at 7 than Finch


On Hayne: I think he had a shocker tonight. Completely lost. But I`d keep the experiment going a little longer. I know Kris Keating seems to be crying out to play five-eight; but if our defense remains as good as it was tonight (sensational!) I think we can carry Hayne until he finds his feet (if he does). Something will happen - perhaps an injury - that will sort the puzzle out. We`ve got one too many backs in the team at the moment, and no-one has quite played badly enough to find themselves in reserve grade. But someone will, or they will get injured. An interesting puzzle.


That is my opion of finch needs to be in the side but not at half. Late in the game I saw Finch run the ball straight and hard , he looked good running like a forward. I like Mateo playing at lock but I think he is to brillant for a hard running forward ( of course my opinon would be different if we had someone else who could play in the halfs). I think keating needs to go to half and maybe Mateo to 5/8. Put it this way two of Kris , Mateo , Finch need to be in the half's - who has the more natural brillance between the this three ? My opinion is Mato and Keating, so this pushes finch to lock.

I would then move Hayne to fullback and burt to the bench playing the role Keating is currently playing. Another option is Hayne to centre and smith to centre - but I think Smith is playing to good at centre to change the combination. Hope this makes sense , been having a few beers , cannot remember the last time the EELS defended like tonight !!!:D

Man i like the way you think cause i am absolutely plastered so we agree in mor ways than one !!! LOL


The problem we have is that the only real halfback we have is Robson, who is probably not the answer. KK is a 6, as is Mortimer ideally...that said, I think they're all better options at 7 than Finch

Totally agree, anyway back to the scotches !!!:crazy:


I would give it another 4 weeks.

PS Hayne still needs to get a lot of sh*t out of his game. I think HJ may be right for a change, he is a bit of a cat.



The kick was pin point and targetted the uprights, any fullback would have been odds on to drop it. Once again, the rabid Burt haters blindly criticise, despite the fact he was one of our best and certainly played better than the Channel 9 MOTM

Blindly criticise? By using a valid example of where he made a defensive error I would hardly deem that to be 'blind' criticism.

Burt did some good things, in ATTACK. (Things different to dropping a bomb) :roll:

homo man

I feel hayne played his best footy on the wing,he's a poacher and a good one not a ball player.
4.grothe(not a safe winger,but to good of a ball runner)
move smith into the fowards.


Post Whore
Blindly criticise? By using a valid example of where he made a defensive error I would hardly deem that to be 'blind' criticism.

Burt did some good things, in ATTACK. (Things different to dropping a bomb) :roll:

Yes, blindly criticise. Tell me, other than that bomb (which was a kick any half would be proud of) what defensive errors did he make? Zero, none, absolutely dot. Yet you call him a "defensive risk" based on that bomb? Yes, mate, that IS blind criticism.


Yes, blindly criticise. Tell me, other than that bomb (which was a kick any half would be proud of) what defensive errors did he make? Zero, none, absolutely dot. Yet you call him a "defensive risk" based on that bomb? Yes, mate, that IS blind criticism.

No. I'll repeat.. It is criticism based on an actual event that occured. It is also criticism based on a history of similar events.

You only need to think back to last week against the Warriors where a missed tackle by Burt lead directly to a try.

But hey, if just ONE howler a game is acceptable by your standards then i fear you have a tolerance for mediocrity which was all too common under the Hagan regime.


Look its been 2 games, he has never played in the 6 before. Took lockyer a while to get it going at 5/8, hayne isn't going to set the world on fire after a few weeks.

As gould said on the sunday roast last week, he said there are no natural 5/8s in the game anymore, they are all running and are there pretty much as an extra forward. This is what hayne is


I'd keep him at five-eighth for now, simply because he'd be out of the side completely if he wasn't.

His defence seemed good last night... but on previous form I wouldn't have him in the centres about Ben Smith or Inu.

He came to prominance as a winger, but I wouldn't have him there above either Reddy or Eric Grothe.

And it's always been 50-50 about whether he's better than Burt at fullback... Burt has goalkicking and defensive organisation on his side - the day I see Jarryd pay enough attention to the game and not just himself to be able to read the game and advise his wingers on positional play like Burt clearly does when you're out at the game, is that day I'd say he can have the fullback spot.

So for Jarryd imo it's the #6 jersey, or Wenty... Kris Keating is a better five-eighth, but he's giving the team some impact and momentum when coming off the bench as things are. Feleti is a better five-eighth, and might get picked for NSW Origin at 6 well above Hayne, but I like him strengthening our pack at lock.

And just one injury in the backline during the course of the year, and Jarryd can be shifted to fill that spot, and KK can have his #6 spot back anyways...

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