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The Joey/Smith combination.


I hate to be a dooms dayer but I think this needs to be discussed.

Last night we all saw for the first time the Johns/Smith combination.

Let me start by saying Canberra were brilliant and Knights were woeful full stop.

But I noticed early on in the game Joey was playing two or three passes wide of the ruck in attack. Mullen was doing the organising and Joey was pretty much running the ball and doing some new off the ball plays.

After the score got to 16-6 though Joey moved into first receiver and started to control the game. As a result Mullo went missing for the rest of the game. Joey started to combine with his usual runners (Simpson and Thiaday both dropped the ball off inside passes and Thiaday scored off a cut out pass) but when neither of those players were around there no one was running off him. A couple of times Joey took on the line and sucked the defence across and set up the inside pass, but no one was there. Then later he spread the ball right and a cut out pass that sailed past Patto, Tighe and Macdougall and over the side line.

It looked like there was no understanding between Joey and the rest of the team. The team were still playing to Smith's game plan but Joey had moved to his ad-lib style game plan. So our attack was going no where and noone knew what was going on.

To add to that there was the post match press conference where Smith referred to the "Leadership group" (a carefully planned answer if I've ever heard one) then said that Dougs was "Man enough" to attend the press conference.

Have we seen the first clash between the Joey style and the Smith style? and if so can it be corrected?


i think you're reading a little too much into it. they will need time to bring everything within the team to harmony - including our top 17 and the johns/smith relationship. they need to reach an understanding and a compromise.

smith wont want to destroy joey's game - he wants to win matches and telling one of the greats to stop doing what they do is ridiculous. joey will adapt to the new gameplans and find ways to work his magic into them accordingly, it's just going to take some time.


joey has been woeful for the first few games for years now

takes a while to warm the old legs up

last night did confirm to me that this is his last season

lets not throw out the baby with the bath water - last night was atrocious - but I know im much more confident with Smith picking up the pieces than I would be with supercoach doing so....

Dave Q

Joey Williams and Jeremy Smith are playing fantastic thanks very much.

Did you send footballers down there last night or the club's darts side?

They all went missing in that second half. Perhaps the Phantom Tsunami got them.


Anyone have a list of the off contract halfbacks for next season?

Obviously one of the top 5 would be nice, but assuming that's out of reach I wouldn't mind convincing Jamie Soward not to bother with the 4 way battle for a first grade spot at a rubbish club.


Staff member
I think things are a bit slim in the off-contract halves area. I will be watching the RU WC with interest to see how Piri Weepu goes...he is off contract at the end of the year and did have that week of training with the Knights in the off season

Gene Krupa

Dave Q said:
Joey Williams and Jeremy Smith are playing fantastic thanks very much.

Did you send footballers down there last night or the club's darts side?

They all went missing in that second half. Perhaps the Phantom Tsunami got them.

First stumble mate and I'm a comin'.


are you guys kidding? shopping for a half back? mullen will be the future playmaker at the knights. he has a few quiet games and everyone is already looking to replace him. the kid is pure class.

we need props. not half backs.


Yeah I wouldnt sign a high profile half either. Soward is garbage in my eyes. Just doesnt live up to the hype.

Definately should spend the money on some quality forwards and maybe one or two ourside backs of quality. Maybe one quality prop and one quality outside back and then the usual medium quality players. If Doogs plays one more year then I think we can wait one more year to find a quality outside back.

Personally I would look into LOD and O'Meley first see what we can do there. Then hunt for an outside back. Having the both of them and seeing how White and Patto is coming along we could have a dominating forward pack again.


Brett Kimmorley is off contract.
Tim Smith is off contract.

If we really want to buy a halfback we would throw money at them. But personally, I think chasing a forward or centre will be more important that finding a replacement for Joey.


christopherjon said:
Brett Kimmorley is off contract.
Tim Smith is off contract.

If we really want to buy a halfback we would throw money at them. But personally, I think chasing a forward or centre will be more important that finding a replacement for Joey.
please god no... tim smith has shown nothing since his debut year. kimmorley's flat style of play and passing doesn't interest me in the slightest either. we don't want to buy a halfback.

as i said, mullen is the future.. he got outplayed by carney against the raiders.. big deal.. johns got outplayed by dobson too. you can't expect our backs to do anything at all when they have no room to move because the forwards arn't pulling their weight.

it has ALWAYS been the same with us!! when our forwards go forward, we win matches. our forwards didn't go forward against the raiders.. so we lost. they were gutless, perry was pathetic.. stopping before just about every hitup.. it was terrible.


Live Update Team
I think a lot of people are reading too much into it. Yes, it was Smith/Johns first full match together and yes we got caned. But the fact of the matter in my eyes remains that the forwards got their asses kicked. No matter how good you are, if your forwards arent going forward, the halves do nothing.


I agree totally with some of what was said above.

- Johns just needs time to work himself into the season and into Smith's style of play
- Our halves aren't the problem, our forwards are. When Johns goes Mullo moves to 7 and we bring up Dureau or Walsh for 5/8.


A win against a 12 man Bulldogs side and a win against a depleted St George side and a thrashing against wooden spoon favourites, Smith certainly has that golden touch lol.

I see Smith has kept the same side? lol get use to it. Also get use to other clever initiatives like props at the scrum base and the signing of players in the calibre of Kusto, Muspratt, Muckett, Herron and the 100 others lol