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Mundine used to annoy the crap out of me as a league player due to his high level of arrogance and bs he used to come out with regarding many topics. As a boxer however, this type of bs fits the industry, so he fitted in. Lately, I must admit I have been impressed with what appears to be a new found level of maturity in Mundine, and I was very impressed with his comments after the fight about winning like a champion, and now he want to take the loss like a champion. Great sportsmanship Choc. :clap: :clap: I am one man who is coming around on you and hope you get back to the top in boxing... although I still think Danny Green would punch the crap out of him, and I would still like to see it :D


Post Whore
Mundine's arrogence is astounding
he had a bung ankle, he shouldnt have been boxing but he said he was ok, it wouldnt stop him from dominating Siaca, he let his ego get in the way and he paid the price
for that i say "GET THAT UP YA"

I hate mundine, i was joyful when the news came through


Rudolph said:
from what i've seen of Green Mudine would wipe the floor with him and doesnt he talk a lot of sh*t as well?

Why green so great what makes he better? Mudine has it over him in all areas why would green win.
Green doesn't talk sh*t at all. However he's managed by Jeff Fenech, who shoots his mouth off at every opportunity.


Post Whore
if he really was the MAN he would have fought green by now ... if he is so much better why the hesitation !

It's the fight most of australia wants to see.


First Grade
Godz Illa said:
Sometimes I despair the species. At my local club people were cheering and celebrating after Mundine lost. So much hate. Why? There can be no reasonable explanation for such intense, burning hatred. It's just sad, really.

It's his arrogance, pure and simple. He needs a big dose of humility. There's been plenty of great sportsmen out there who have been top of their field and yet do it with a humble and gracious nature, and as such win the respect of the public.


That's because the "public" are insecure about the fact that they are nobodies. If I was as good as him, I'd be talking it up too.


Rudolph said:
Give him a break he's probably the best boxer to come out of Australia, Australisia in fact.
So he's lost a fight and he's got a big mouth he's still one of the best fighters in the world in any division.
crap - he is not the best fighter to come out of australia - plenty would have belted his ears off!!


Raider69 - do some research before you talk tripe

"Mundine's arrogence is astounding
he had a bung ankle, he shouldnt have been boxing but he said he was ok, it wouldnt stop him from dominating Siaca, he let his ego get in the way and he paid the price
for that i say "GET THAT UP YA"

I hate mundine, i was joyful when the news came through"

Don King threatened legal action over this fight, he was trying to stop the fight before it happened.

If Mundine had pulled out because of his ankle, the fight may never have happened at all.

You're a jealous twat.


Staff member
I surprised how many of us Rugby League fans (myself included) have become boxing experts all of a sudden :roll:

Choc fought a flawed fight tactically on Wednesday night, he'll readily admit that. I'm sure that when & if he gets his re-match he will have a long think about the type of tactics he'll use. Some better advice from his Corner might help too.

Jeff Fenech proved how difficult it is to move between boxing & footy, and Danny Green made very hard work out of his last fight against a less-credentialed fighter than Siaca, but those two were the first to bag Choc on Thursday morning.

But for all the hatred (and it is petty hatred) of Mundine, the way he handled himself after the defeat is a real show of his character. He's showed a level of dignity that some of the keyboard cowboys on here could learn from when they're venting their spleen about him.

Ben S.

Big Mick

Rudolph said:
Give him a break he's probably the best boxer to come out of Australia, Australisia in fact.
So he's lost a fight and he's got a big mouth he's still one of the best fighters in the world in any division.

Its obvious you don't know anything about boxing!

How is he one of the best in any division.

Roy Jones Jr? Ring a bell, Tzsyu? Ring a bell (Australian i believe and he shits all over mundine), these are only two, not to mention other great boxers around like Oscar and DANNY GREEN!

He is not the best boxer to come out of Australia, that title belongs to Les Darcy.


Staff member
Big Mick said:
Rudolph said:
Give him a break he's probably the best boxer to come out of Australia, Australisia in fact.
So he's lost a fight and he's got a big mouth he's still one of the best fighters in the world in any division.

Its obvious you don't know anything about boxing!

How is he one of the best in any division.

Roy Jones Jr? Ring a bell, Tzsyu? Ring a bell (Australian i believe and he sh*ts all over mundine), these are only two, not to mention other great boxers around like Oscar and DANNY GREEN!
He is not the best boxer to come out of Australia, that title belongs to Les Darcy.

Danny Green has never even held a World Title...

Ben S.


First Grade
I don't think Mundine's mouth is a big as it was a couple of years ago.

I don't particularly like the bloke, but I do believe he is a gifted athlete, and if his heart was a bit bigger he probably could do a bit better in the squared circle.

Big Mick

Southernsaint said:
But for all the hatred (and it is petty hatred) of Mundine, the way he handled himself after the defeat is a real show of his character. He's showed a level of dignity that some of the keyboard cowboys on here could learn from when they're venting their spleen about him.


He said after the fight that he deserved to win, if thats not a spoilt sport I don't know what is.

By the way that was the most boring title fight i've ever seen.

If I wanted to go see f**king dancing I would have went to watch Swan Lake, Biggest waste of 3 hours I have ever spent, The undercards where better fights.

Big Mick

Southernsaint said:
Big Mick said:
Rudolph said:
Give him a break he's probably the best boxer to come out of Australia, Australisia in fact.
So he's lost a fight and he's got a big mouth he's still one of the best fighters in the world in any division.

Its obvious you don't know anything about boxing!

How is he one of the best in any division.

Roy Jones Jr? Ring a bell, Tzsyu? Ring a bell (Australian i believe and he sh*ts all over mundine), these are only two, not to mention other great boxers around like Oscar and DANNY GREEN!
He is not the best boxer to come out of Australia, that title belongs to Les Darcy.

Danny Green has never even held a World Title...

Ben S.

yeah, But in my view is better than Danny Green, and if Mundine wants to prove many wrong, then Fight danny and prove it.

I believe Mundine is a great athlete and would be good at anything, I know i've seen him play Basketball and he would not look out of place in a King's Jersey thats for sure.

But I just believe he is not as good a boxer as people make out. He is fast yes, but lacks power, and lacks that killer blow and killer instinct required to be a great boxer.

Pensacola Q.C

Big Mick said:
Southernsaint said:
Big Mick said:
Rudolph said:
Give him a break he's probably the best boxer to come out of Australia, Australisia in fact.
So he's lost a fight and he's got a big mouth he's still one of the best fighters in the world in any division.

Its obvious you don't know anything about boxing!

How is he one of the best in any division.

Roy Jones Jr? Ring a bell, Tzsyu? Ring a bell (Australian i believe and he sh*ts all over mundine), these are only two, not to mention other great boxers around like Oscar and DANNY GREEN!
He is not the best boxer to come out of Australia, that title belongs to Les Darcy.

Danny Green has never even held a World Title...

Ben S.

yeah, But in my view is better than Danny Green, and if Mundine wants to prove many wrong, then Fight danny and prove it.

I believe Mundine is a great athlete and would be good at anything, I know i've seen him play Basketball and he would not look out of place in a King's Jersey thats for sure.

But I just believe he is not as good a boxer as people make out. He is fast yes, but lacks power, and lacks that killer blow and killer instinct required to be a great boxer.

It's not that he lacks power which is the problem, he's gun shy to the point that it hurts his game against fighters who can bring heat. That strategy worked against Echols who could bring heat but was wide with his punches and fought a lazy fight, and may be effective against pure boxers like Ottke (as it was for the 1st 8 rds they fought) but against technically sound pressure fighters like Green, Siaca, Larsen and Lacy this game plan is not enough. Mundine really hasn't learnt how to counter-punch effectively. He's done it against mediocre fighters due to his natural speed and instincts, but has not been able to keep his balance when effectively pressured. That's how the KD happened - he wasn't really hurt, just badly balanced. The only two guys who can literally hit and not get hit back clean are Roy jones jnr and Floyd Mayweather jnr, and even these guys have to stand and engage now and then. Mundine does not have their defensive ability.

I think Anthony has the pure talent to reach the very top of the division, but just doesn't have the mindset it seems. However I was disappointed for him that he lost. It amazes me that someone who has accomplished so much (and risked so much) can be so hated. It's disappointing really.


The reason people don't like him is because he is an arrogant idiot, that said hate is a bit strong I agree.
Just like Lleyton Hewitt, he annoys the shit out of most people.
I think the Europena dude with the pony tail is more popular because of his persona.
the only smart thing the mouth has ever done is to not fight mudine and on that subject danny green was at my high school yesterday and one of the girls said what did you think of mundine with him loosing and not fighting you he said it was a pussy fight and couldnot wait to fight mundine mundine is all talk if he was a man he would fight green and stop fighting nobodys and that world belt he hold isnot even recognised in the offical boxing fedaration

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