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The mundine connection


First Grade
So Mundine being present as one of "sonny's posse" at that meeting with the dogs board makes you think that He had no influence whatsoever over anything Sonny has just done, wake the f**k up, why do you keep defending this moron, it is you who are laughable.

Dont let your hate for Mundine cloud your vision. I think youre the one who needs to wake the f**k up and read what I typed. Show me where I said Mundine had no influence whatsoever on him?

Keep your agenda against Mundine out of it mate and let the grown ups have a discussion.

Eels Dude

Do you think that Sonny Bill Williams earns the Bulldogs and NRL more than 450k a year? He is worth at least double that.

Why should David Gallop and News Limited get the profits of what he does? What he has done (if the reports are true) is exercise his right to get what he is worth...

If you think he earns Rugby League 900k a year then please break it down for the rest of us.

Unless that included Daily Telegraphs sales...


If you think he earns Rugby League 900k a year then please break it down for the rest of us.

Unless that included Daily Telegraphs sales...

Do you not think SBW has attracted attention to the NRL or Bulldogs?

He is easily worth double of whatever Orford or Inglis earn based on the simple fact that he makes the NRL more money on advertising, ratings, jersey sales etc.

Eels Dude

Do you not think SBW has attracted attention to the NRL or Bulldogs?

He is easily worth double of whatever Orford or Inglis earn based on the simple fact that he makes the NRL more money on advertising, ratings, jersey sales etc.

Do you have statistics to prove that Williams is "easily worth double of" Orford and Inglis? If so, then show them to me and the rest of the forum....

I don't give a s**t what you think he does. If you say for a "fact" he makes the NRL more money on the factors you above mentioned, then please provide some statistics to prove it. Otherwise you're just speculating.

I'll be waiting...


Eastsrule (gees I hate typing that)

You are a complete tool!

Even IF what you are saying is true, which it isn't, why did the guy sign a 5 tear deal just last year???

You say it's just business. Well, playing by your rules SBW is going to get taken to the cleaners because in business you are expected to honour a contract!!! Not just walk out when you can earn more money elsewhere.

He changed his tune as soon as Mundine and Nassar came on the scene. He thinks he is better than he is! He STILL hasn't earned the Bulldogs the money that they've invested in him!

The Bulldogs had to offload players to keep him and have banked on him being there for the next 4 years!
How you can defend this guy only explains one thing!

That is that you are a jerk who follows a team for jerks!


At work i make my company $1000's each day. If it wasn't for me they wouldn't make anything when i'm meant to be rostered on. Doesn't mean i deserve to get every cent that I earn for my company, so I fail to register the whole concept of SBW getting more for earning the game more. Mind you, if we were getting what we deserved for the TV deal the cap could be about $7 million, and we wouldn't have lost any of these players.


Do you think that Sonny Bill Williams earns the Bulldogs and NRL more than 450k a year? He is worth at least double that.

Why should David Gallop and News Limited get the profits of what he does? What he has done (if the reports are true) is exercise his right to get what he is worth...

You are a complete moron.

Even if any of the above was true, he should have taken the NRL to court to challenge either the salary cap or third party deals.

Considering her only manages to play half the games each year, I personally think he is being overpaid for what he actually provides the bulldogs.

But again you have missed the whole point of this thread in that SBW signed a 5 year deal and at the time said he was very happy with the deal. Mundine and his wanker manager come onto the scene and tell SBW that he is the greatest and he has been going on with this crap all year. This is solely due to Khoder wanting him to get a new deal somewhere so he can get his commission. First he wanted a new deal at the bulldogs, and when that fell flat he started this crap.

Sonny is about to learn a very harsh lesson, because even if the NRL or Dogs have no pull in Europe, he has a number of personal sponsors that are multi nationals who will all be after there cut, as he has just killed any goodwill he has with people in Australia / NZ and therefore no good to these sponsors.


You are a complete moron.

Even if any of the above was true, he should have taken the NRL to court to challenge either the salary cap or third party deals.

Considering her only manages to play half the games each year, I personally think he is being overpaid for what he actually provides the bulldogs.

But again you have missed the whole point of this thread in that SBW signed a 5 year deal and at the time said he was very happy with the deal. Mundine and his wanker manager come onto the scene and tell SBW that he is the greatest and he has been going on with this crap all year. This is solely due to Khoder wanting him to get a new deal somewhere so he can get his commission. First he wanted a new deal at the bulldogs, and when that fell flat he started this crap.

Sonny is about to learn a very harsh lesson, because even if the NRL or Dogs have no pull in Europe, he has a number of personal sponsors that are multi nationals who will all be after there cut, as he has just killed any goodwill he has with people in Australia / NZ and therefore no good to these sponsors.

These personal sponsors would rather he be successful in France and Europe, which are far bigger markets than Australia.


These personal sponsors would rather he be successful in France and Europe, which are far bigger markets than Australia.

He is a neville in France at the moment!! The crowds over there are even worse than NRL corwds, this is just being supported by rich owners with a new toy.

Even if he becomes a superstar over there, he won't have the same exposure as he had here for a couple of years, whic all means lost money. More importantly, none of these sponsors will be able to use anything related to SBW that they have already done (i.e. commercials, ads etc), due to the current feeling here.


He changed his tune as soon as Mundine and Nassar came on the scene.

F*cking tool.

You people are so stupid....... you blame Mundine because he has the same manager as Sonny? Sonny chooses his own manager d*ckhead and he didnt choose Mundine.

Khoder is a deadsh*t, but to blame Mundine is something a 6 year old would do.


I will be up front and say I cannot stand this idiot, but is it any coincidence that Mundine and his idiot manager come onto the scene at the beginning of the year and Sooky Bill goes from being the pin up boy of the NRL, to a dog who walks out on his mates and thinks he is bigger than the game.

Seem to remember Mundine doing the smae thing at the Dragons when he thought he was the greatest thing since the Steden was invented, and dissapeared to Hawaii before announcing he was leaving League and becoming a boxer.

All of those free tickets handed out to this goose's fight next wednesday to his league "friends" should be thrown back in his face. He and his manager have a lot to answer for.

humpy is an ill informed homo and should STFU!!!

jealousy is a curse


humpy is an ill informed homo and should STFU!!!

jealousy is a curse

Jealous of what??

Mundine was a self rated hack when he was playing, and what di I say that was ill informed??

Change management early in the year - In the headlines ever since
Organises meeting with Dogs management - does not show up and Mundine & nasser show up as his "team"
Mundine - did exactly the same thing to St george before he started boxing.

Feel free to correct any of the above points.


Jealous of what??

Mundine was a self rated hack when he was playing, and what di I say that was ill informed??

Change management early in the year - In the headlines ever since
Organises meeting with Dogs management - does not show up and Mundine & nasser show up as his "team"
Mundine - did exactly the same thing to St george before he started boxing.

Feel free to correct any of the above points.

he WAS the best thing since steeden was invented, just ask him.

you sound like a bitter jealous old redneck who can't stand to see a succesful proud aboriginal man who can back up his words!

SBW is his own man, to say he is behind this decision shows you're a dumb merkin! its the greedy manager you f*ckwit, not the man mundine


SBW is his own man, to say he is behind this decision shows you're a dumb merkin! its the greedy manager you f*ckwit, not the man mundine

If he is his own man, why is Mundine going to a business meeting about SBW's contract and SBW does not show up at all??

If you think Mundine is not the crux of this whole situation, and is the reason why Sonny is now managed by Khoder, then you are a bigger goose than you sound like.

Where anywhere do I make any comment about Mundine's heritage?? he would be the world's biggest d!ck no mater what his heritage is!

Eels Dude

If he is his own man, why is Mundine going to a business meeting about SBW's contract and SBW does not show up at all??

If you think Mundine is not the crux of this whole situation, and is the reason why Sonny is now managed by Khoder, then you are a bigger goose than you sound like.

Where anywhere do I make any comment about Mundine's heritage?? he would be the world's biggest d!ck no mater what his heritage is!

Humpy, Brookie is obviously an idiot who just wants to stir s**t rather than have his say. He just wants to get into an argument for the sake of it, so try and ignore his useless comments. I think you're right on the money with what you've said so far.