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The Predator


Re-watched Predator 1987 for about the 50th time, it's an all time classic.

Special effects hold up amazingly well, but the major selling point for me is the slow-burning tease revealing just a tiny bit of the Predator for two entire acts, it's still suspenseful despite knowing exactly what's coming. What also works is that Arnie isn't larger than life, rather he's surrounded by a team equally buff and larger than life men; after strutting their stuff as an elite force they are convincingly scared shitless but make rational moves all the way.

Predator 2, while not quite as good, is underrated and works very well in the urban environment and expands the universe without handing out stupid cop-out plot devices. I hope to god they don't go down the Alien route with this new movie, their crazy back-filling there ruined everything.

AVP was such dog shit I didn't bother again with the AVP movies.

Predators was ok, but felt like a slavish re-hash of the original and had the ridiculous Topher Grace character. Getting off the planet was a mistake for mine, took it away from the realism of the first two, it's far more entertaining when the Predator enters our world rather than vice versa.

I'm worried about this new one; Shane Black's shtick works great for oddball comedies but he butchered Iron Man 3 when using this style. Trailer seems to be going in that direction.

The original costume is on the behind the scenes DVD features and was meant to be played by JCVD IIRC. It looked shocking.


This looks like absolute dog shit.

I remember when Dark Horse put out Alien vs Predator comics and they were huge at the time. Unfortunately the adaptation to the big screen ended up killing both franchises. Very hard pass on this one.


Staff member
Looks woeful but like everyone here, i'll be first in line at the cinema regardless.

myrrh ken

First Grade
Seems to have the same predators fighting each other schtick as the last one. Hope its no like the underwhelming schoolyard rumble like the last one


First Grade
Yeah I’m still not sure how I’ll end up feeling about this. Maybe I’m expecting too much because I love the original. Glad it’s got the R rating in USA, gonna have the blood and swearing which I’m happy about. I never really liked the idea of having a bigger predator, yes maybe it would get stale just repeating 1 predator hunting people, I don’t think so though.


Saw a trailer for this on YouTube today. Gotta say I was NOT impressed. For one I just saw too many predators... for me so much of a
What makes the Predator franchise great is the slow burn with the predators staying out of sight and remorselessly stalking humans, not being front and centre the whole time.


*Yawn* that trailer made me completely lose interest. It does just about every cliche that ruins franchises.

"If people like one predator imagine multiple predators"

"Lets make a new predator, one that immediately kicks a normal predators ass just to show how much stronger it is, regardless of the fact it completely devalues the original predator which is what people came to actually see"

Bigger, more exciting, guns, explosions, wowee......zzzzzzzzzzz


The fact that the characters in the movie are actually referring to the aliens as “Predators” make it an immediate pass for me.

That, and it looks like complete ass


Saw a trailer for this on YouTube today. Gotta say I was NOT impressed. For one I just saw too many predators... for me so much of a
What makes the Predator franchise great is the slow burn with the predators staying out of sight and remorselessly stalking humans, not being front and centre the whole time.

yeah exactly. In the original you just see those semi invisible images of him for at least the first half and there isn't really many clear shots of him at all.

In this one they're all over the trailer fighting each other like they're marvel characters.

myrrh ken

First Grade
Just watched it. Easily the worst of them all including avp 1 and 2. And by some margin.

It was almost a parody of itself. The franchise is dead.