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The punch that cost the Sharks $20,000 - Zappia stands down


First Grade
FMD. Your a nice lot over here. Relax buddy.
I know sh*te. Just stating what i thought the article wanted the reader to take away from it in case you hadn't made the connection yourself. Wasn't being a smartarse, wasn't agreeing with it, was actually just trying to add to the thread.
And another thing.....you missed a very relevant "I" word........immature.
I took the "big word" as a jibe and was responding to that. If it wasn't I apologise (add ill-informed to the list).

I think you're right by the way and that is the assumption you're meant to take away - and that IMO is underhanded and wrong and p!sses me off.


First Grade
I took the "big word" as a jibe and was responding to that. If it wasn't I apologise (add ill-informed to the list).

I think you're right by the way and that is the assumption you're meant to take away - and that IMO is underhanded and wrong and p!sses me off.

Understood. No drama.


I don't know about that. Who is not to say she wasn't pressured into signing the document? There is a lot we don't know about the situation, and without all the facts it is very hard to make a proper decision on the situation, other than Zappia needs to act more professionally around the office.

Yeah my first thought but the story says the investigation was conducted by an independant organisation , she wouldn't sign that under any pressure from the club. Also worth noting the independant organisation also spoke with witnessess .

You know what disturbs me the most about this is , if it is true , the allegation that TZ stopped her in the hallway stood on her toes and forced her against a wall - that is just plain brutalisation and harrasment but surely she would scream ?

Dogs Of War

Yeah my first thought but the story says the investigation was conducted by an independant organisation , she wouldn't sign that under any pressure from the club. Also worth noting the independant organisation also spoke with witnessess .

See, that assumes that someone from the club hasn't spoken to her about getting a $20K payout for keeping quiet in the meantime. Given the situation didn't have any other witnesses, all an independent investigator could do is interview the 2 people involved.

You know what disturbs me the most about this is , if it is true , the allegation that TZ stopped her in the hallway stood on her toes and forced her against a wall - that is just plain brutalisation and harrasment but surely she would scream ?

Who knows if she did, it's not covered, but I am sure any punch like that which is unexpected would force some sort of outburst even if it's "You prick!"


See, that assumes that someone from the club hasn't spoken to her about getting a $20K payout for keeping quiet in the meantime. Given the situation didn't have any other witnesses, all an independent investigator could do is interview the 2 people involved.

Who knows if she did, it's not covered, but I am sure any punch like that which is unexpected would force some sort of outburst even if it's "You prick!"

The article says they spoke with other witnesses - so mor ethna those 2 obviously.

Secondly I agree a punch to cause that much damage surely would provoke a response . BUT to be bailed up in the hallway like that would also provoke some sort of response surely ?? What did she think was going to happen next ? , a big male bailing up a female ?? Unless it was common and accepted behaviour in which case it's deplorable by both parties.

Dogs Of War

The article says they spoke with other witnesses - so mor ethna those 2 obviously.

Because we don't have the report we can't determine if they actually saw what happened (as it was in a hallway, there would be a limited view of anything that was occuring), or they just witnessed an outburst at the end of the event. Thus why we have a problem commenting on this as we don't have the full events in front of us.

Secondly I agree a punch to cause that much damage surely would provoke a response . BUT to be bailed up in the hallway like that would also provoke some sort of response surely ?? What did she think was going to happen next ? , a big male bailing up a female ?? Unless it was common and accepted behaviour in which case it's deplorable by both parties.

Really the Sharks need a culture change starting in the front office. Too many events (just in the last 12 mths, not including the 2002 incident), that suggest things that should not be tolerated are being allowed to happen. It worked for the Bulldogs, and I can't see why it would work at the Sharks given they recruit the right people (someone from Business with NO ties to Rugby League previously). The new guy then just needs to appoint the right people to perform/assist him with recruitment etc.

El Diablo

Post Whore
9 mentioned something about it being a criminal offence to record the conversation and also criminal for the media who played it

Ice Ice Brady

9 mentioned something about it being a criminal offence to record the conversation and also criminal for the media who played it

On the news they also said she accused the Sharks of forging her signature on the forms declaring it as an accident and resolved etc.

That is a crime as well.


lol, good to see we're focusing on the relevant elements of the story.

I am surprised Channel 7 aired the tape if it is in fact illegal to do so. Wouldn't that be a pretty straight up issue for their legal people to screen?

At any rate, if Hall's signature was forged by Cronulla officials on legal documents clearing people of wrongdoing etc (I haven't seen the story so don't know what was suggested), or intimidated into signing a confidentiality agreement, it's a) a worse offence than her taping an interaction between her and Zappia; and b) much more news-worthy, as it would pertain to the conduct of senior individuals within a high-profile organisation.


First Grade
I hope this goes to court.

If it took $20k to buy her silence, how much did it take for her to break it again? I stopped giving a sh*t about what Zappia did or said when it appeared as though it had become nothing more than a financial asset for sale to the highest bidder. If she was truely concerned about his morality, she would have come forward when the NRL first sought her for comment to get to the bottom of the matter. Instead she shows up weeks later on Ch7 exclusives. Exclusives are almost always attached to lots of dollars. I'd like to know how much.

Hopefully, a court case would answer these questions, including Ch7's role.

El Diablo

Post Whore
i wonder if 7 coerced her into breaking the agreement?

that should be something they can be charged with

7 are scum. home of druggies, drink drivers, racists and sex tape freaks


FFS you have to be kidding me..... the woman "Hall" had ample time to address her position before ..... now she works with guide dogs - SHE IS A SAINT..... far out .... the editting of the tape lays doubt as does her signing of the events that day... yeh that's right a woman can now change the events after the fact !!!!!!!! so when do they take responsibility?


They make no mention of the fact she traveled interstate to do a university degree as well.

They make it out as if she was forced interstate.

El Diablo

Post Whore
looks like she did a deal with New Idea as well. New Idea is owned by Kerry Stokes who also owns 7


SOMEWHERE amid the group-sex scandals, the swine flu and the accidental punches, some of us cling to the idea that those at the National Rugby League can learn their lessons by unflinchingly confronting their mistakes.

That's surely what they were thinking when they were stuffing the bright pink showbags for the Women in League lunch yesterday at the Novotel in Sydney's Homebush Bay, near ANZ Stadium. Among the goodies was a copy of New Idea, complete with a three-page spread on Jenny Hall, the woman given a black eye by her boss, Sharks chief executive Tony Zappia. Under the headline "NRL victim breaks her silence - my dream job became a nightmare", we have "brave Jenny ... speaking out in a bid to change the 'sexist' rugby league culture that made her working life a misery, before and after she was hit". As a bonus extra, there's even a photo of the black eye. Onwards and upwards.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Event makes Hall of fame

By Andre Webster | June 10, 2009 12:00am

JENNY Hall walks solemnly along a Gold Coast beach, with her miniature dachshund, staring vacantly into the distance. "I wanted a fresh start," she tells women's glossy New Idea. "I never wanted this to come up again."

But it has.

And if the hum around town is correct, Hall has relived the incident involving Sharks boss Tony Zappia which left her with a black eye and ruined her life for the handsome sum of $50,000 - paid by Channel 7 and Pacific Magazines.

The media blitzkrieg against Zappia entered day three yesterday when Seven News spirited Hall from her new life on the Gold Coast and plonked her in front of Sharkies Leagues Club.

As this tawdry episode plays out - in the week league celebrates the contribution of women - few are showering themselves in glory.

Jenny Hall included. Her cautionary tale has turned into a cautionary mini-series. What's next? Stay tuned.

Make no mistake: Zappia hardly deserves our sympathy. As it stands, he has assaulted a female staff member, refused her sick leave, shown her a pornographic email and then jokingly asked her to "spank" him to defuse the situation.

Huh? These are actions not befitting the chief executive of a football club, especially one who deplored Greg Bird for glassing girlfriend Katie Milligan.

"He is a football manager - not a chief executive," is a line widely uttered by other bosses in Club Land. Zappia's ham-fisted handling of this incident suggests the theory is right.

It has emerged he is being advised by leading manager John Fordham, who is not representing Zappia but attended his meeting with lawyers in the city yesterday in his capacity as a friend.

Zappia could do with a heavy hitter in his corner because there is more chance he will resume his first job working at Centrelink than filling Denis Fitzgerald's vacant chair at Parramatta. Zappia has acted deplorably.

But Hall's media strategy smacks of opportunism and scepticism continues to grow about her motives.

There are firm whispers she had asked the club for $50,000 when the parties settled the matter in April. It was only prepared to pay $20,000 and Hall accepted it.

There is also talk that Bird's manager, Gavin Orr, had pieced together her lucrative media deals. "I have never met the girl," he insisted last night. Yet Seven and New Idea would not deny that Hall had been paid. Seven spokesman Simon Francis rejected the $50,000 figure. But asked if she had been paid any sum, he said: "There is nothing more we can add."

Other parts of her story don't line up. She says she has broken her silence after the Four Corners report detailing a group sex incident involving Sharks players in 2002.

NRL suits have been calling her for three weeks after images of her blackened eye were published in a Sydney newspaper - yet she only made contact yesterday.

She whizzed from shooting on location in the Shire to meet with NRL boss David Gallop. Seven, predictably, were waiting outside.

If she wants to change the culture of a club and a code, why has she done it with a sledgehammer in prime-time over three nights?

One suspects it isn't about change but retribution. In the end, someone has to pay.

El Diablo

Post Whore
i'd guess 7 have been planning this for some time and have waited till Womens Week to release it

anyone who watches 7 are scum

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