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The punch that cost the Sharks $20,000 - Zappia stands down


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
So continually going on about media standards on an internet messageboard won't get me anywhere, but going on about the actions of some geese in NRL parts who are doing the wrong thing, that WILL get you somewhere.



Well, the game is at least in control of one of the two things you are comparing in that sentence... and is not in control (and never can be) of the other.

You make the choice about which of the two things being typed (and likely read by some league employees and officials) is more likely to "help the game", while the media continues to do what it's done for decades regardless.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Zappia victim cleared him in report

Exclusive by Josh Massoud | June 09, 2009 12:00am

JENNY Hall - the former female employee who has plunged Cronulla CEO Tony Zappia's career into turmoil - signed off on an independent workplace report that cleared her boss of any wrongdoing.

The Daily Telegraph has sighted a copy of the report, compiled late last year by a private investigator hired by the Sharks to establish Hall's grievances. It found that Zappia had not acted inappropriately and although Cronulla's board yesterday stood him down pending legal advice, the report and other considerations have blocked a push for his instant dismissal.

Now living on the Sunshine Coast, Hall broke her silence in a pre-recorded interview with Channel 7 last night. The ex-community liaison officer insisted Zappia had stood on her toes during a shadow-boxing duel that led to her accidentally suffering a black eye. She also stood by disputed claims that Sharks players were given sex toys at training and that "strippers" visited dressingrooms after matches.

Zappia will cool his heels until Thursday after a series of damning conversations with Hall - which she secretly recorded during her final weeks of employment last year - were broadcast by Seven on Sunday night. The pair discuss their now-infamous altercation before a home game against Newcastle last July, in which Hall suffered a black eye after being punched by Zappia. In one exchange, Zappia makes Hall an offer to "spank" him as a playful get-square.

"He was right here. Standing on my toes, one foot on the other, I had one foot forward and one foot back, he was treading on them and then he let out a punch," Hall said.

"He said, 'How dare you tell anyone, you're not to tell a single soul if you want to keep your job'. I only hope I can contribute to that change and no one is ever treated the way I was treated."

At the time, Cronulla's board ordered an immediate investigation. An independent workplace officer visited Sharks headquarters over the following weeks to interview all staff, including witnesses who spoke with Hall straight after she was punched.

The investigation found the punch was accidental, with the final report co-signed by Zappia and Hall after both were questioned at length. When the incident was first publicised last December, Hall refused to comment or release any details.

But she has since leaked the recorded conversations to Seven, while a friend is believed to have passed on a graphic photograph of her injuries to a Sydney newspaper. Copies of a tacky email Zappia showed her in his office have also been made public and labelled as pornography. The email contains a series of pictures of topless women from Latvia.

"There I am, an employee that you have just given a black eye to who is in tears, and there (he is) focusing on a pornographic email," Hall said.

The fresh revelations angered NRL boss David Gallop, who just two weeks ago had given the club a clean bill of health over its handling of the Hall incident.

Pressured from above, Sharks directors were widely expected to dismiss Zappia at yesterday's extraordinary meeting.

He doesn't have a contract and can be dismissed with a minimal payout. But after a two-hour discussion - which included input from Zappia via teleconference - a decision was made to stand him down in the interests of "due process".

The Daily Telegraph understands that Zappia has the support of several Sharks directors and coach Ricky Stuart to remain at the helm. In his favour at board level is the independent workplace report, as well as concerns about how his conversations with Hall were recorded and edited for broadcast. The board has been made aware that it is illegal in NSW to record conversations without prior consent.

"There will be a request to Channel 7 to provide the tape so as the board can establish the authenticity of the recordings and the context in which a number of the statements attributed to Mr Zappia have been used, while the board will also interview staff members in relation to the new allegations," Sharks chairman Barry Pierce said.

"The board has requested a response from Tony Zappia by Thursday."

Zappia will meet his lawyers over the next 48 hours to respond. He was unavailable for comment yesterday.

her story is looking dodgier by the minute


Stuart faces claims as Zappia stands down

Jacquelin Magnay | June 9, 2009

TWENTY minutes after the former Cronulla Sharks employee Jenny Hall sent an email to the Sharks club chief executive, Tony Zappia, indicating she was concerned about his alleged sexual harassment, the club's head coach, Ricky Stuart, was on the phone asking her "what is going on"?
Ms Hall has told the Herald she sent an email to Mr Zappia and copied it to a Sharks employee on November 6 last year after months of turmoil following her accidental punch in the face by Mr Zappia in August.
The email was sent at 3.41pm. Ms Hall wrote: "There have been issues since the commencement of my employment with misconduct and sexual harassment, some of which have resulted in me being physically assaulted."
Ms Hall said she then received two phone calls, the first from Stuart at 4pm. "Ricky Stuart called me asking what I was doing filing a sexual harassment case," Ms Hall said.
"I told him I do not want to get him involved. He kept pressing me for answers. I told him it was between Tony and I and not involving him. He said that this would hurt the club if it got out and what grounds I had to claim such a thing."

Rockin Ronny

Why is it not worth it?
No one gives a crap about the punch anymore, she obviously thought it was an accident at the time other wise why didn't she go to the cops???

The question is now, after 10 months, why did she go to channel 7 and still will not talk to the NRL??
Whatever she thought about the clubs handling of the situation back then, or whether she thought she was being treated unfairly has no bearing since she signed the agreement and accepted the money.

I'd lie to see Zappia in a real fight with Hall - Barry Hall. That would be a spanking.

Dogs Of War

You and bartman need to stop subscribing to this black-and-white reality because it isn't going to help the game.

Few would deny Zappia has to go. He's f**ked up royally regardless of the tapes. Doesn't mean we can't be concerned about media standards (or lack thereof) when it directly affects the image of our game. It's not hard to tell the truth and state facts and avoid chequebook journalism but it would appear on some level all three have been avoided in this instance.

Timmah, its pleasantly surprising to have someone on this forum actually argue against a contrary point of view without immediately resorting to personal abuse. Thank you!

Why? She signed off on a report, perhaps under some duress - eg if you don't, say bye-bye to your job. Maybe she's just changed her mind since then and now thinks the club's response was inadequate?

It seems to me that the initial incident is only a small part of her complaints against the club. I think of more concern to her is how the matter was subsequently dealt with and the fact that she felt that continuing to work with Zappia and the Sharks was no longer tenable for her.

Regardless of all this, the fact that the CEO was clowning around shadow boxing and caused injury to an employee, through gross negiglence at best, that his stupid actions cost the club $20k at least and that he tolerated a work environment that permitted such things and the distribution of porn, are all sackable offences.


First Grade
Speaking of media standards the SMH (Jacqueline Magguy) has an article called "Stuart Faces Claims" with pictures of Zap, the girl and Stuart. The sum total of Stuart's involvement (if you believe the article) is that he asked the girl "what's going on?" some time after the event. I think Jacqueline needs a ramsay style spray...


First Grade
Speaking of media standards the SMH (Jacqueline Magguy) has an article called "Stuart Faces Claims" with pictures of Zap, the girl and Stuart. The sum total of Stuart's involvement (if you believe the article) is that he asked the girl "what's going on?" some time after the event. I think Jacqueline needs a ramsay style spray...

And apparently that's front page news. Loved the photos though, Zappia looking creepy, Stuart looking stunned and her smiling with a guide dog she's trained! All it needed was a halo around her head and devils horns on Zappia.

All this is is unprofessional conduct at a League club that will probably cost Zappia his job. It's not earth shattering news and I'm struggling to understand why it's getting so much coverage.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Barney Hull

this tough as nails bloke


Perth Red

Post Whore
TBF given the state of the Sharks she has probably done the club a big favour in making them get rid of him. Hopefully they can bring in someone who can a run a succesful business.


First Grade
Speaking of media standards the SMH (Jacqueline Magguy) has an article called "Stuart Faces Claims" with pictures of Zap, the girl and Stuart. The sum total of Stuart's involvement (if you believe the article) is that he asked the girl "what's going on?" some time after the event. I think Jacqueline needs a ramsay style spray...

I assumed there was a "read between the lines" accusation in that article. Big word, 5 syllables, starts with "I".


First Grade
I assumed there was a "read between the lines" accusation in that article. Big word, 5 syllables, starts with "I".
So it's OK to hang a guy with "insinuations"? Seeing as you know all with your assumptions why don't you fill us all in with your informed truth. Know what else starts with "I". Imbecile, idiot, inbred.


First Grade
So it's OK to hang a guy with "insinuations"? Seeing as you know all with your assumptions why don't you fill us all in with your informed truth. Know what else starts with "I". Imbecile, idiot, inbred.

FMD. Your a nice lot over here. Relax buddy.
I know sh*te. Just stating what i thought the article wanted the reader to take away from it in case you hadn't made the connection yourself. Wasn't being a smartarse, wasn't agreeing with it, was actually just trying to add to the thread.
And another thing.....you missed a very relevant "I" word........immature.


First Grade
So it's OK to hang a guy with "insinuations"? Seeing as you know all with your assumptions why don't you fill us all in with your informed truth. Know what else starts with "I". Imbecile, idiot, inbred.

Just realised you mightn't have got what i was referring too. So at the risk of another tirade...... i assumed "intimidation" was what the article was about.

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