Yes correct and here in lies the problem under our current coach for our recruitment that many blame Millward for.
How do we as a club under McCareerStaller convince any player manager and his client of quality that we as supporters are crying out for to lure at just market value. (i.e. same price as a now successful club in canberra have paying Bateman at 580K)..impossible and wont happen.
We have to pay improve our squad.or even retain our best...and as soon as we do or let someone go becuase we cant pay to keep them....Millward is criticised for it.
We cant have it both ways. Pay overs for a few elite and then the remainder of the squad has to be filled by players of low value becuase of the cap.It is the boards fault for keeping Mary so long with little attraction for nobody at market value.
Under McGregor we will never have the right balance. The successful clubs (handful only) in this era have the successful coaches and teams and good balance without paying overs (under cap or other ways

), players and player managers want their clients to be a part of, which inturn potentially increase their market value and player manager income because of bonuses to make rep and finals etc.
Hence what has happended to Batemen. His manager knows a weaker club will likely pay overs to secure him.
If he plays dogshit as you call it it is usually due to the team and coach of that weaker club..not himself is over to the boardroom to make the necessary changes and start scanning and trying for the next hidden talent coach out there that needs the lucky break and turnover quickly the ones that cant hack it..or alternatively pay massive money for the successful ones as their are not that many to spread around.
Mary should of been ditched post 2016.(like Price was after 2.5 years).we possibly should of been up to trying our 4th coach by know since Benny...but that is the only way forward until you snag a gold nugget....than hang on to Melb & Roosters have and Brisbane did.