So if he came out here and played like dogshit do you reckon he'd say to Raiders "I'm probably not worth 580K the way I'm playing, just pay me 300K"???
Didn't think so.
So what is your point. If you were him and your manager told you I can up your salary by 40% would you lie there and do nothing and say Na... i am not worth it I am happy with what I am getting and you expecting him to do the same. Yeh right...what world are you in.
These guys only inetrest is make as much as they can and will do whatever it takes right or wrong move..
I dont blame him but it depends how clued up some of these guys are and how much from the manager they take or leave or whether they look at what they are being recommended. Some just follow their manager like a puppy..others Like Cronk had no manager and made his decisions to what suited him.
But what eventually does happen is...The market dictates value..not the player or his manager
His manager will stretch it for as much as he can get and encourage his client to do the same.
I have said a player will not play for unders (unless long term older player like Gallen who wanted to stay but rare) .
They never will nor will be encouraged by the manager too
If they play dogshit on 500K...guess what their next contract at NRL is.likely 350K or nothing..he may get his 550K at Toronto or Venezuela whereve his manager can find him a deal.