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The salary cap is not working.


Could you imagine the Broncos with out a salary cap?? Sure they are not on a level playing field with everyone else (nor should they be) but they have been held back significantly by it


At the beginning of the year many judges including myself predicted the Broncos to miss the eight for the first time since 1991. Since 2007 the club had lost Petro, Webcke, Hannant, Thorn, Clinton, Carroll, and Ennis, all forwards and they went into this season without Karmichael Hunt with no obvious replacements. That they've done well is a credit to the club, a great credit.

Brisbane have an advantage sure, they are a one team city type club in a heartland area for our game. This isn't the problem from Brisbane, it's the problem of Sydney clubs. Whether we like it or not, there are too many Sydney clubs in the Sydney metro area in competition for the same corporate dollar that the Broncos monopolise up there. Sydney clubs should look outside the square or suck it up and stop whinging. I'm a fan of a Sydney club but looking at the big picture, I love the game and I don't want mediocrity rewarded either.

The Broncos are and always have been the benchmark for how to run a club since their arrival in 1988. They have the infrastucture in place and absolutely no predators Sydney clubs have to face facts by either merging, relocating or alternatively just get on with having peaks and toughs that the Broncos do not experience. AS a Manly supporter I want the boys to stay in Manly and manage those peaks and troughs in a highly competitive Sydney market. But I'm not naive and I know that knocking back 20,000 to a home game on the Central Coast at a super stadium and instead sticking with 13,000 hardy fans at a dilapidated Brookvale which is situated in an electorate that the pork barrelling Labor party will never win isn't good for business.

Well done Broncos, stay strong, lead the way.



and there are only so many players the QLD clubs can sign. the problem is that the Sydney clubs wait for the QLD club to spend plenty of money on developing players (who at their age still feel some loyalty to the club that developed them).

there is absolutely nothing stopping NSW clubs from sending their scouts to QLD in the search for talent.
Like Inglis and folau?

The Broncos would spend zip on junior development as opposed to the like of Penrith.

BTW, even though News LTD are our major shareholder, they don't prop us up financially like they do the Storm. they just collect their divedends.

Yeah, right. Exclusivity contracts to SEQ - Yeah right.

And a 50% drop in profits...........geez you lot could be defunct before Cronulla!!!!!!!


and there are only so many players the QLD clubs can sign. the problem is that the Sydney clubs wait for the QLD club to spend plenty of money on developing players (who at their age still feel some loyalty to the club that developed them).

there is absolutely nothing stopping NSW clubs from sending their scouts to QLD in the search for talent.

BTW, even though News LTD are our major shareholder, they don't prop us up financially like they do the Storm. they just collect their divedends.

Must have missed the day when the Broncos spent plenty of money developing players.
Almost as amusing as the raffles at Lang Park to aid Broncos juniors.

Cumberland Throw

First Grade
I heard it from David Gallops lips the other day on NRL on Fox, that a player can be paid outside the cap by anyone as long as that person is not or not has been a club sponsor.

Therefore GI could be getting $5M a year off the thoroughbreds and it would be ok, this obviously suits the rich teams and hampers the poor teams, which is what the salary cap is trying to prevent..

We need a points system now...


I heard it from David Gallops lips the other day on NRL on Fox, that a player can be paid outside the cap by anyone as long as that person is not or not has been a club sponsor.

Therefore GI could be getting $5M a year off the thoroughbreds and it would be ok, this obviously suits the rich teams and hampers the poor teams, which is what the salary cap is trying to prevent..

We need a points system now...

Or we need to find a way for the lesser clubs to market themselves in such a way that rich fans will become benefactors as well. The alternative is to continue to see our best players leave the comp and the NRL become nothing but a stepping stone for professional athletes to go and earn what they're worth elsewhere.

But nah let's watch 16 x Sharks run around instead.



Those things forced the roosters to buy Mason?

Ok sweetie..

you and I know the answer to that.

but if you were sensible, you'd analyse the points with if their effect upon the entire league, not just one club. you'd know that brisbane simply being brisbane in a competition structured the way the NRL is, and with the demographics of participants and fans within the sport of rugby league as it is in this country, the club has a tremendous competitive advantage.

and good luck to it and it's fans..............just accept that the circumstances exist.


and there are only so many players the QLD clubs can sign. the problem is that the Sydney clubs wait for the QLD club to spend plenty of money on developing players (who at their age still feel some loyalty to the club that developed them).

there is absolutely nothing stopping NSW clubs from sending their scouts to QLD in the search for talent.

BTW, even though News LTD are our major shareholder, they don't prop us up financially like they do the Storm. they just collect their divedends.

just an assumption, but i reckon if a young up-and-comer in brisbane- south-east queensland-rural surrounds was offered a one deal by the broncos and another by a sydney club (all other things being equal), then they would more often than not choose to stay put in queensland. at the moment, the broncos also have an advantage over the titans within SE QLD due to the club's prestige.

melbourne did well with their qld stars as they have a feeder club in the qld comp. even they're at an advantage in being able to recognise their qld talent and lock it into the storm than the sydney clubs.


you and I know the answer to that.

but if you were sensible, you'd analyse the points with if their effect upon the entire league, not just one club. you'd know that brisbane simply being brisbane in a competition structured the way the NRL is, and with the demographics of participants and fans within the sport of rugby league as it is in this country, the club has a tremendous competitive advantage.

and good luck to it and it's fans..............just accept that the circumstances exist.

I already accept that. I have stated it in numerous posts.

The answer is simple. Have less Sydney teams in the NRL. There is no way you will get any more than 1 more SE QLD team in the NRL, and that will have next to no impact on the broncos capacity to garner 3rd party sponsors.

I along with others have stated this a thousand times. The problem is only going to become more signficant witht he relaxing of thrid party sponsoirhip deals, the increase in the cap and the bonuses for long serving players.

However the vast majority of Sydney centric posters are adamant you must have 9 Sydney teams in the NRL along with the central coast, because if any go, the NRL will die as you all lose interest and go watch other sports.

So we are back to grabbing a tissue.


Dragons always in the finals? We missed out in 2000, 2003, and 2007, the latter two due mainly to a massive injury toll.

People keep saying there needs to be more teams in Brisbane and fewer in Sydney. Well instead of alienating more fans on top of all those who left because of Superjoke, the NRL should offer big bikkies to any Sydney club willing to relocate to SEQ (Sunny Coast, Brisbane, Ipswich, or Logan). First two clubs to bite the bullet get the prize. I know Gallop is concerned a club like Cronulla might use the switch purely to pay off their debts, so they could add a stipulation that the grant for switching cannot be used for that purpose. Heck, they could even give them an interest free loan or some such (assuming there's enough money there for that). I don't know that anyone could object to this kind of arrangement after the ongoing efforts to prop Melbourne up.
And the refs! Don't forget the refs! How could you forget the refs? :roll:


Or we need to find a way for the lesser clubs to market themselves in such a way that rich fans will become benefactors as well. The alternative is to continue to see our best players leave the comp and the NRL become nothing but a stepping stone for professional athletes to go and earn what they're worth elsewhere.

But nah let's watch 16 x Sharks run around instead.

Don't forget while we watch 16 x Sharks run around we can abuse AFL and Union with rude words and hate any person who decides to leave RL for greener pastures elsewhere....after all, where is their "loyalty".:lol::lol::lol: