You are re-presenting wonderland Suity, you prefer to live for a dead non-sense world than live for the real sensory one.... a brief example of what I am implying. Extracted from a recent Facebook post...
When people talk about the light, or spirit, they are talking about information. When they talk about the "dark" they are talking about information. The "angels of light" are a Freemasonic/Satanic construct (intellectual property) re-presenting information made up by MAN, as is the information of the dark.
When we talk about the forces of light and dark we are really talking about the forces of MAN'S thought, the force of MAN'S pure and sincere thought & intention and the force of MAN'S corrupted thought and insincerity, SET INTO MOTION.
Only MAN can set the force of light or dark into motion.
Light and dark Forces are just "intellectual property" made up by liars and deceivers of MAN and perpetuated by believers of MAN.
There are no such intelligent, sensory life-forms existing in present-sense as "light" or "dark" forces.
This is a Freemasonic/Satanic scam. All forms of duality are LIES and are FRAUD. If anyone claims duality exists, that there can be little Mary and there can be little Mary as Alice in Wonderland, or that there can be a man or woman and there can be a man or woman re-presenting intellectual property, i.e, God, Jesus, Galactic Federation, channelled Ramtha, Archangel Gabriel, Kryon, Light Force, Dark Force, etc, ask them to back their claims.
In present-sense, they have no direct experience/perception with either light force or dark force.
Ask them to bring forward in PRESENT SENSE these sensory life-forms so that we/MAN can touch, taste, feel, smell & see them while we hear from their tongues that they are the light force and the dark force.*
If they can only produce another man or woman or book, etc, written by another man or woman, they are not producing first party to first party evidence, only re-presenting intellectual property that they have learnt from another man or woman.*
They are actors on a stage set in fiction, performing in character, surrounded by other characters and props that are all fiction, i.e. money, commerce, economy, bankers, insurance, lawyers, judges, politicians, accountants, professors, scientists, Police Officers, journalist, fashion designer, drug addict/dealer, etc, etc, setting out the whole stage of "The System" for billions of lost MAN to perform in.
Everything that occurs in "The System", no matter what is a game, a scam, MAN against MAN, MAN at the effect of MAN.
Nothing else is going on.*
Why are we playing these doing harm image games?*
The stakes are huge because what is really going on behind it is another game, another image, altogether and this is what we have been exposing and what we all need to wake up to if we are to free our lives from these image games that can only do harm to everything that we are part of, who we really are and our true purpose.
In the story of "The System" we might have 10,000 cabal members, banksters, etc, (the "bad guys") being arrested on orders of the "good guys", we might have "economic collapse" but this is all part of the HIS-STORY game that we are setting in motion, the saviours, messiahs, the dictators, the cabal.*
None of it exists in life, in present sense.*
There is no remedy in any of this but we get sucked into the his/her-story, not seeing that the next chapter image of his/her-story is just a continuation of the same scam.*
When are we going to close the book?*
If we all really want true freedom, peace, joy, abundance, do no harm for all of life, no loss of uniqueness to anyone or anything and no slaves or rulers, we must turn our backs on this duality garbage. In present sense, we need to cause a mass exodus out of "The System" of HIS-STORY, his/her-stories that are impure and insincere images/thoughts set into motion by liars and deceivers.
All anyone can bring forward from any of the stories of "The System" is non-sense, under the guise of a man, woman or child acting as an impostor of the light force or the dark force.
This is fraud.*
Who are they?*
The man, woman or child or the light or dark force?*
Is little Mary Alice in Wonderland or the Mad Hatter, or the Dormouse or is she Mary?*
Does Alice in Wonderland exist?*
Has little Mary got multiple personality disorder?*
There are a lot of characters being portrayed here. Little Mary exists and we can sense her, touch, taste, feel, see, hear, smell her but we cannot do that with Alice or Wonderland who does not exist, is non-sense.
The common denominator of all intellectual property (his/her-story) is MAN re-presenting it. There is always MAN because intellectual property cannot exist without MAN to re-present it and there is only MAN because intellectual property has no life in present sense whereas MAN does. We are the ONLY ones who set the intellectual property of his/her-story in motion.
All we have with the Galactic Federation, the Pleiadians, Ramtha, light and dark, the aliens, the illuminati, etc, etc, etc, etc, are characters in the Freemasonic/Satanic story/ HIS/STORY, as found in the Bible, the Talmud, the Torah and all other "holy", spiritual and religious scripts and RE-PRESENTED, performed by men, women and children who believe in them (intellectual property).*
They are all set on the time line of the His-tory of Freemasonry/Satanism that is "The System", a fairytale of many fairytales with the back drop of a time code that we cannot sense or perceive. In present sense, time does not exist as a sensory life form but we set this non-sense image into motion as we unfold the fantasy with its past, present and future, just as we set all the other constructs of "The System" in motion, including all the ones mentioned in this post.*
We are totally mesmerised by intellectual property and can't seem to find our way out of this madness. We are addicted to performing in HIS-STORY.
In the middle of the word belief is the word "lie".
Just because his/her-story information is brilliant doesn't mean it is true.
Just because someone believes in or has faith in or has associated opinions with their belief or faith in his/her-story does not make that "intellectual property" information true. It is just a story.
The greatest lie/liar is the one closest to the truth.
The problems we face arise from men and women performing intellectual property and claiming it is true because they believe in it.
Just because the local Vicar claims the word of God is true, doesn't mean it is. In present sense, was he there to hear God's word directly while he stood in front of God, hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling, tasting and touching God? Did he see those who wrote the Bible getting instructions as to what to write in the Bible? Was he there?
The whole of "The System" and everything in "The System" is based on this duality scam of teaching men and women to re-present the intellectual property, the his/her-stories, of "The System" and thus uphold "The System" his/her-story.*
Was anyone in present sense to experience any of these system stories that we are claiming to be true?*
Alice is never in present sense, only Mary is.*
This is duality.*
Little Mary, in present sense, is claiming that Alice is present in present sense all the while little Mary is the only one present in present sense. This is the same with ALL the intellectual his/her-stories of "The System".*
No matter how much Bible believers push their beliefs throughout their lives, they can never bring forward the characters in the Bible in present sense. All they are bringing forward are the non-sense images that they, their ancestors and all other Bible believers have been putting their life energy into, images of non-sense that are apparitions that can partially appear for a moment in present sense and then vanish back into the invisible non-sense world of fantasy, illusion and delusion.
Thoughts are images. We have to realise that every image is being set into motion by us/MAN, whether channelling, the Virgin Mary, apparitions, Jesus or "miracle" healings. We have been given these images by our parents and grandparents or others of the community and our ancestors who set them into motion with their life force energy and then we charge them with our life force energy to set them into motion. This is always done in present sense but, in present sense, here and now, all we can find is MAN. Where is the presence of all these system characters in present sense?
It is interesting how God or Jesus or Heaven or Hell or the Galactic Federation only ever appear for a brief moment or two, if at all. They are unable to be in present sense, here and now indefinitely, as we and all other sensory life forms of life are. This shows clearly that they are just images, apparitions that we set into motion with our intention and our life force energy. Any man or woman can visit another man or woman and their natural, sensory surroundings and spend sunrise to sunrise to sunrise without them disappearing but we cannot do that with any of these apparitions.
All of MAN is the pool of MAN's consciousness which is the consciousness of our ancestors, descendants and all of MAN, always in present sense. We are creating the lies and falling for them as we do so. The images we/MAN set into motion are the currents, ripples and tides bouncing to and from MAN to MAN to MAN to MAN and we are all at the effect and impact of our collective intentions.*
Nothing else is going on.
MAN is ONLY at the effect of MAN, at the effect of the images MAN set into motion now bouncing back at MAN in PRESENT SENSE.
This "light" force & "dark" force is not apart from MAN and MAN is not at the effect of either of these forces, that's unless you believe in this non-sense and wish to play a his/her-story game of non-sense, the consequences being the deterioration and possible destruction of who we really are in present sense, what we are really part of in present sense and our true purpose in present sense.
We explain all this in the Love For Life videos we've been posting since October 2011 in greater detail. They are all posted here:
TRUTH does not require belief. faith or associated opinion.
Watch out for his-her-stories!!!!!!!