This is from the New Years resolutions thread.
Diego call my cat a cun...t.
Oi BR, your mate Diego has bullied me for owning a cat. How is this acceptable???????
I called all cats merkins.
I stand by that statement.
I've always managed to ignore all your little potshots. Maybe because I've passed puberty.
You are even seeing bullying and trolling when it's not even there. Saying i don't like goodwin or I don't think tyrrell should be sacked isn't bullying or trolling. It's having differences of opinions. I have just as many differences in opinions with BR and pommy but he has somehow managed to make it through without having a complete mental breakdown.
It's obvious that you'll somehow twist everything I say into somehow I'm attacking you, i can't help with your delusions. But you can. Click on DiegoNTs profile, block user.