Desert Qlder
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The fact that News 'journos' have been sanctioned to talk up the rights such as they've been doing is a remarkable indicator.
So if Ten get 4 games a week how will it break down?
Friday double header (premium game on main channel live with the second (lesser) game running live on One) Sunday arvo, Monday night....?
Coverage is more important because it increases our value next time around. Imagine how much we would be worth if by the end of the next rights we are growing in all states with most games on FTA in terms of ratings and have Melbourne and Perth being shown their games live. Imagine how hard places like Fox would fight for our rights then if they miss out and subscribers go down.Are you kidding - 200 million dollars mate. Stop for a minute & think what that could be spent on.
Whilst i agree country wide coverage is important, we need to get as much as we can, giv or take 5%.
So if Ten get 4 games a week how will it break down?
Friday double header (premium game on main channel live with the second (lesser) game running live on One) Sunday arvo, Monday night....?
One Sat night game (to go up against fumbleball) would be great.I'd really hope they'd have FTA coverage on Sat too.
yeah i've read Foxtel could try and buy Ten if the ACCC knocks back the Austar takeover
but if Foxwould prefer to go wit Ten then how does 9 put together a competitive first bid?
Beccy might be right on the money for once and atm Gyngell is shitting himself
Wow bourbon beccy writes a positive piece aimed at driving the price up... wow
Cricket Australia knows cricket's audience is ageing and only the Twenty20 franchise is attracting younger people to the sport. Nine might boast the same high audience ratings as previous summers, but the picture is not that rosy if you ask advertisers, alarmed at the lack of viewers under 30. League on free to air television has similar problems.
The facts are there, though, and they are compelling.
A senior sports marketing expert, whose research is used by every major sport in Australia, says her private figures reveal league is the fastest growing of any football code in every demographic.
It is the only sport that is attracting a new, young audience to its ranks.
Im sure there was an article written within the last 6 months which stated that NRL viewing was actually growing amongst young audiences.
Can anyone recall it?
Found it - its an article written by her last July.
So now she has done an about face and is saying that League is struggling to attract young viewers?
A growing young audience for the code is promising for those at the new league headquarters in Sydney, but
it is has not transferred into exciting, youthful television coverage.
The bottom line is that Nine has become extremely complacent about its place in the league hierarchy. Nine bosses have believed league needs them as much as they need the sport.
interesting seeing that the NRL is very popular on pay in the 16-39 demo
pretty sure that's the demo advertisers look at most
The NRL and A-League have the largest % for the youth demo out of the 4 codes.
Obviously because the NRL overall audience is larger than the A-League's this equates to having the largest under 39's audience out of the 4.
Are audiences are actually going against the grain of the aging population shift unlike AFL's and Union's.
on FTA in 16-39 two of the three Origin games rated higher than the AFL GF
You can see the difference when you compare the three results: Total, 18-49 to the 25-54 between Origin III and the AFL Grand Final. In Total the AFL is first but then compare the two youth demos:
In both cases Origin III wins but the skew is closer to the AFL's advantage when you delete the 18-24 year old bracket and add more 50-54 year olds. Also the below 18 demo is even stacked in the NRL's favour - the results obviously aren't in your link. The younger you select the demo, the bigger the % win to the NRL. Post a below 39's and you'll see what I mean.
Basically the AFL audience is getting older - and well - slowly dying...