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The TV rights thread

Who would you like to see get the rights providing the price is right?

  • Seven

    Votes: 57 20.5%
  • Nine

    Votes: 49 17.6%
  • Ten

    Votes: 110 39.6%
  • Rights split between FTA channels

    Votes: 147 52.9%

  • Total voters
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What was the NRL TV deal before the last one?

Also the last one was undersold so in theory if we had sold that at true value we wouldn't be looking at a doubling of $'s.

The last one saw a 60% increase but that was based on there being more games shown, a friday night double header, monday night games, 6 week scheduling, extra rounds and a sunday night GF. This time nothing is really changing. Other than the fact thr AFL got alot more last time there's no reason for a major increase.

The last deal is only considered unders because the AFL's was so much more. At the time most people thought it was great.

El Diablo

Post Whore
Not true, Gallop was advised not to allow any bids from other broadcasters. Channel 7 expressed interest last time too but Gallop was quick to accept the Channel 9 deal. If im not mistaken, I believe the person who advised him to take the Channel 9 deal without hearing 7 out, was an employee of News Ltd.

Im sure El D will have a link for me :D

never heard that. 7 did want to bid though http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/08/20/1092972743273.html

Gallop did meet with their CEO though http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-132089931.html


to put it simply, the AFL got (will get) more because they have a much more broadcaster friendly game, this isnt exactly rocket science man, let me explain it to you.

lets just say rating are 50/50, one game goes for 2 hrs and the other for 3hrs, which game do you pick if you own a TV station to sell adverts on? also considering the AFL brand can sell an add after every goal (around 25/30 kicked per game, qtr time and 3 qtr time breaks.

NRL has something like 60 of the top 100 ratings i hear, but fact is, AFL overall out rates league on pay, sounds stupid i know but its true, this is because AFL FTA games go head to head with AFL payTV games, BUT, the thing is, the replays of the AFL games massively out rate the NRL replays and with the extra veiwing time of an AFL game they rate higher on a veiwer to hr scale.

the NRL outrated the AFL GF last year, but when you consider that there was a melbourne team in the NRL GF and 2 relatively small AFL teams playing thats not surprising, also consider that the NRL GF was played on Sunday twighlight, fact is man, people who are in charge of spending hundreds of millions of dollars arnt stupid, channel 9 threw everything bar the kitchen sink at the AFL and still lost, also, that offer was a one time thing, theres no auctions for the AFL rights, chanell 9 have one chance, they must make there highest bid, because chanal 7 bought the last port of call for the next 10/15 yrs i beleive.

the AFL have there own fixture, something gallop himself said not less than 3 mnths ago would cost the NRL 50mill in broadcast rights.

in summery, the NRL rights arnt worth anywhere near the AFLs, its just common bloody sense man.

You f**king idiot. The NRL rates 200K better than the AFL on average, across less markets. Broadcasting isn't only about ads, fool.

BTW, there are ads after every try (say 7 a game average) then after every goal kick (7) every time the ball goes out of play, before and after video ref decisions, as well as at half time.

If there's 25 goals kicked in a game of AFL, that's 25 opportunities for ads. On Sunday, count the number of ad breaks Ch9 takes for its afternoon footy. In proportion (3hrs - 2hrs) we're probably doing better advertisment wise, never mind the superior ratings which means that more people see the advertisments.

You're an idiot.


First Grade
Theres never been a TV rights deal in all of sports that was double the previous one, a $billion just isnt going to happen. The AFL is adding an extra game and 2 new teams and only expecting a 25% increase.
Sure, if nothing else was different.

However you don't seem to understand that that NRL is going to undergo a massive change. The current rights are being sold and purchased by basically the same people. Fixing this issue with the IC will hopefully have a massive effect on the sale price.

Plus there's the plan to bring in another game each week, which'll mean advertisers will be able to target people from Auckland to Cairns to Perth.


First Grade
What was the NRL TV deal before the last one?

Also the last one was undersold so in theory if we had sold that at true value we wouldn't be looking at a doubling of $'s.

Weren't the rights from 1998-2007 given to C9 for almost nothing as part of the SL War deal?


First Grade
to put it simply, the AFL got (will get) more because they have a much more broadcaster friendly game, this isnt exactly rocket science man, let me explain it to you.

lets just say rating are 50/50, one game goes for 2 hrs and the other for 3hrs, which game do you pick if you own a TV station to sell adverts on? also considering the AFL brand can sell an add after every goal (around 25/30 kicked per game, qtr time and 3 qtr time breaks.

NRL has a longer playing season, and has 3 State of Origin matches which each get about 3 to 4 million viewers, plus internationals.

NRL has something like 60 of the top 100 ratings i hear, but fact is, AFL overall out rates league on pay, sounds stupid i know but its true, this is because AFL FTA games go head to head with AFL payTV games, BUT, the thing is, the replays of the AFL games massively out rate the NRL replays and with the extra veiwing time of an AFL game they rate higher on a veiwer to hr scale.

It's already been stated that the AFL's pay TV contract was based on potential new subscribers, and was being subsidised by the NRL viewers through additional subscription costs for Fox Sports 3 originally.

the NRL outrated the AFL GF last year, but when you consider that there was a melbourne team in the NRL GF and 2 relatively small AFL teams playing thats not surprising, also consider that the NRL GF was played on Sunday twighlight

It doesn't matter when the NRL GF is played, it's how many people watch it that the networks care about. TV networks aren't going to pay squillions for Masterchef if it has to be shown at 3:00am. The networks are paying for the NRL GF on Sunday nights, and they're paying for the AFL GF's on Saturday afternoons. They're not paying for hypotheticals.

, fact is man, people who are in charge of spending hundreds of millions of dollars arnt stupid, channel 9 threw everything bar the kitchen sink at the AFL and still lost, also, that offer was a one time thing, theres no auctions for the AFL rights, chanell 9 have one chance, they must make there highest bid, because chanal 7 bought the last port of call for the next 10/15 yrs i beleive.

Everyone acknowledges that Kerry Packer made that huge bid because he had nothing to lose, and Ch7 had everything to lose. Had he got it, Ch9 would have had league, AFL, and cricket. He forced Ch7 to pay overs for it. And considering Ch7 and Ch10 are forced to bleed ratings in NSW and QLD by showing the AFL, it's hard to see how forcing extra games into those markets equates to more dollars this time around. The AFL should be compensating Ch7 and Ch10 for every game they're forced to show in those markets.

the AFL have there own fixture, something gallop himself said not less than 3 mnths ago would cost the NRL 50mill in broadcast rights.

Firstly, Gallop's an idiot for making those comments. Secondly, you're dealing with hypotheticals again. The reality is that the AFL does have there own fixture, and the NRL hands scheduling over the networks. Those are the circumstances on which contracts should be based, not hypotheticals.[/quote]

Big Mick

On top of that, I find it great if they are going to slice it up.

Selling individual rights for State of Origin, Regular Season, Finals and then Internationals.

Would increase the slice of the pie. That way Ch.10 can buy Internationals for overs, Ch.9 would buy Reg Season and Finals for overs in competition, and Ch.7 may get State of Origin.

Opens it up to many possibilities. And that would create leverage. They can say..."hey...Channel 10 is offering $100m a year for Origin, what can you do for the total package of Origin + Internationals" etc.

Perth Red

Post Whore
The last one saw a 60% increase but that was based on there being more games shown, a friday night double header, monday night games, 6 week scheduling, extra rounds and a sunday night GF. This time nothing is really changing. Other than the fact thr AFL got alot more last time there's no reason for a major increase.

The last deal is only considered unders because the AFL's was so much more. At the time most people thought it was great.

The S15 just got the same deal as we got last time and there ratings are so weak against NRL's its not funny. Kind of shows how bad the last deal really was.


The S15 just got the same deal as we got last time and there ratings are so weak against NRL's its not funny. Kind of shows how bad the last deal really was.

To add to to that our Toyota Cup matches outrated over 50% of super14 (australian matches) shown throughout the season on foxtel.


First Grade
The FTA advertising dollar in Queensland & NSW is nearly 60% of the Australiam market (actually 57.8% in the last half of 2008).

NSW + Qld = 1.5 times the rest of Australia....

1,131 billion / 1.957 billion
http://www.thinktv.com.au/media/Media_Releases/PR11_Revenue_ figures_Jul_-_Dec_08.pdf

Therefore all thing equal 2 hours of RL equals 3 hours of AFL.

yes but not all of NSWs is NRL territory, sthn NSW is AFL territory, im not sure how many people live in sthn NSW but im guessing it would be more than a few.


First Grade
You f**king idiot. The NRL rates 200K better than the AFL on average, across less markets. Broadcasting isn't only about ads, fool.

BTW, there are ads after every try (say 7 a game average) then after every goal kick (7) every time the ball goes out of play, before and after video ref decisions, as well as at half time.

If there's 25 goals kicked in a game of AFL, that's 25 opportunities for ads. On Sunday, count the number of ad breaks Ch9 takes for its afternoon footy. In proportion (3hrs - 2hrs) we're probably doing better advertisment wise, never mind the superior ratings which means that more people see the advertisments.

You're an idiot.

oh really?, how old are you?, you sound like a little girl having a tantrum, how do you the figure the NRL outrate the AFL? and your calling me an idiot, you have no idea.

all the bloody whining that goes on here is incredible, ohh ohhh ohhh gallop cant negotiate, the big bad AFL had their deal done first so thats why we got stuff all, it was a conspiricy by news limited, grow up.
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yes but not all of NSWs is NRL territory, sthn NSW is AFL territory, im not sure how many people live in sthn NSW but im guessing it would be more than a few.

Albury is the biggest city in southern NSW that is AFL dominated and it only has a population of about 55k.......... the town is about 60-30% in the favour of AFL over league and Wagga is about the opposite.

when I lived Albury there were 4 league comps in the town yet no League on free to air tv at a decent hour (96-97)


oh really?, how old are you?, you sound like a little girl having a tantrum, how do you the figure the NRL outrate the AFL? and your calling me an idiot, you have no idea.

all the bloody whining that goes on here is incredible, ohh ohhh ohhh gallop cant negotiate, the big bad AFL had their deal done first so thats why we got stuff all, it was a conspiricy by news limited, grow up.

:lol::lol::lol: Oh dear. You're not off to a good start are you.

Over the first 5 AFL rounds last year, average ratings were 380,000 people per game.

Over the first 5 NRL rounds last year, average ratings were 580,000 people per game.

You think 200K people isn't going to help the NRL gain more money for the rights?


First Grade
Albury is the biggest city in southern NSW that is AFL dominated and it only has a population of about 55k.......... the town is about 60-30% in the favour of AFL over league and Wagga is about the opposite.

when I lived Albury there were 4 league comps in the town yet no League on free to air tv at a decent hour (96-97)

well i lived in albury as little as 3 mnths ago, i lived there for 10 yrs, let me tell you league doesnt even get mentioned there, try driving from albury to sydney and timing how long it takes for the goal posts to change, it takes a while.

what pisses me off the most, is that the NRL have the product, they just dont know what to do with it, it needs a drasic overhaul to become more broadcaster freindly, NRL is much better suited as a TV game than AFL.

Qtr time and 3Qtr time breaks to maximise advertising time.
100 minute playing time (25 minute Qtrs), crowd sizes would increase, as i said earlier, 2 hrs isnt long enough for many fans to traval long/semi long distances, , another reason is ground advertising, as in billboards/ fence adds and such, the longer thoses billboards/fence adds are on TV for the more the adverisers will pay for them, its a no brainer IMO.

the most important thing in the game besides the players is money, money money money money, the more the better, its a bussiness.
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Intentcity - Money = Good.

The only thing to come out of that post.

:lol: You expect us to believe you really lived there?


First Grade
intentcity, your ignorance + true colours are more than obvious now. Congratulation, you almost lasted a week :clap:

look mate, i dont like being called a F ing idiot, im not one eyed bias muppet like some on here, i look at figures, i read reports, im very interested in TV rights between the 2 codes, it doesn mean im anti NRL.


First Grade
Intentcity - Money = Good.

The only thing to come out of that post.

:lol: You expect us to believe you really lived there?

i did tell a little fib, i actually lived 20 minutes away on the VIC side in a little town called barnawatha but i worked in wodonga, i lived at wangaratta for 5 years before that, i now live in benalla, all are close to the border.
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