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The TV rights thread

Who would you like to see get the rights providing the price is right?

  • Seven

    Votes: 57 20.5%
  • Nine

    Votes: 49 17.6%
  • Ten

    Votes: 110 39.6%
  • Rights split between FTA channels

    Votes: 147 52.9%

  • Total voters
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maybe on a Friday night but a Saturday afternoon/early evening and a Sunday afternoon wouldn't necessarily rate less than the rubbish Ch9 show now. In fact we have seen in Perth that the NRL rated better on a Sunday afternoon at 2pm then the WWE wrestling that replaced it after a few weeks. The figures might not be massive but if they are better than what is being shown then the TV station is losing nothing.

On a digital channel that rates poorly, live sport, even NRL in Southern States, will boost audiences. It's not a major marketing point, but it's something that they need to demand.

You can't build a national profile if you're not screened in half the nation.


First Grade
Perhaps, but not a commensurate one. We would be talking about a loss, a significant one even.

Possibly, but remembering that the additional FTA game gives us extended reach that the cable games don't.

A loss, probably yes but not neccesarily a significant one.

How much less would you be happy with for 5 games on FTA all on at good times all around the country? (multi-channeled outside the heartland of course)

I think we could get 800m with the current setup... would you be happy with 750m? 700m? 600m?

Money isnt everything, exposure is really important to the game. Probably MORE important than keeping a few high priced turncoats in the game for their whole careers.

I dont know

Well yeah, this is the question, if you are going to earn a reduced figure based on taking a game away from Pay and handing it to FTA, what is the acceptable loss? When weighed up against the additional reach that gives in visibility it is a tough question.

Unfortunately, RL is starting a long way back in terms of reach to the population, based on years of C9 refusing to show the game outside of the northern states. We may need to take an initial hit to get that coverage, and in the long term - Continue to grow the game.


Just out of interest (anyone can answer this), these days, what kind of FTA live or near to live coverage does the AFL get in Sydney/Brisbane? Obviously FNF is on Main Event not FTA in this sense, but they run with the Saturday night game, do any of the Saturday arvo/Sunday arvo games get shown live/near to live?

ie: What do we need to achieve in Melbourne and Perth in particular to obtain similar sorts of coverage levels to them (Ignoring multi-channeling)?

Ray Mosters

maybe on a Friday night but a Saturday afternoon/early evening and a Sunday afternoon wouldn't necessarily rate less than the rubbish Ch9 show now. In fact we have seen in Perth that the NRL rated better on a Sunday afternoon at 2pm then the WWE wrestling that replaced it after a few weeks. The figures might not be massive but if they are better than what is being shown then the TV station is losing nothing.
Losing nothing is gaining nothing, and they certainly wont be able to pay for it.

No, going multichannel around the country (which from what I hear is now looking VERY likely) wont raise us a dime, but it WILL give the code national exposure.

Ray Mosters

Yes $600 million would have been a fair worth and as I said, because of a lack of competition.

Well you either activate a clause for the 9th game for a balloon payment - or when the 9th game is introduced, have an auction for that 1 game. The former is the better option though as it guarantees an owner.

Basically, you say "when game 9 begins, X network agrees to pay X amount per year for the years that game 9 runs through to the end of current broadcast deal". So if it's $10 million a year for example and the team only play 3 out of 5 years, the balloon payment is activated for $30 million before the start of that first year. There's precedents for this in the American sports leagues. If Game 9 doesn't happen, no payment is made.

So - you can sell Game 9 - without Game 9 existing. With 9 games, anything less than $850 million would be a bad result.
No I mostly agree with your analysis mate, its very good, its really just the "plus X" at the end, from what i can see, there isnt any.

There is no 9th game and multichanneling isnt worth anything to the rights (while being worth massive amounts to the clubs in sponsorship dollars).

I mean, if they can swing a 9th game clause and actually bring in 2 more clubs then fantastic, but to be honest I think we will be pushing it to launch two more clubs in the duration of this contract... starting clubs that last is not a casual business.

A fair auction and capable leadership will get us 800+ and multichanneling around the country. Honestly I will be absolutely over the moon if thats what we get. Im sure there will be people on here that call it a disaster and call for the head of Gallup and probably the most visible IC members too, as they do every week anyway, so who cares about them. 800 is realistic, a massive jump on what we have now, and will be the lifeblood of our sport for many years.

The revenue amount will give the IC the ammunition it needs to address the codes biggest problems, and the national exposure will bring new levels of sponsorship revenue to the clubs and help push up salaries.
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Possibly, but remembering that the additional FTA game gives us extended reach that the cable games don't.

A loss, probably yes but not neccesarily a significant one.

Well yeah, this is the question, if you are going to earn a reduced figure based on taking a game away from Pay and handing it to FTA, what is the acceptable loss? When weighed up against the additional reach that gives in visibility it is a tough question.

Unfortunately, RL is starting a long way back in terms of reach to the population, based on years of C9 refusing to show the game outside of the northern states. We may need to take an initial hit to get that coverage, and in the long term - Continue to grow the game.


Just out of interest (anyone can answer this), these days, what kind of FTA live or near to live coverage does the AFL get in Sydney/Brisbane? Obviously FNF is on Main Event not FTA in this sense, but they run with the Saturday night game, do any of the Saturday arvo/Sunday arvo games get shown live/near to live?

ie: What do we need to achieve in Melbourne and Perth in particular to obtain similar sorts of coverage levels to them (Ignoring multi-channeling)?

Every Swans game is live, or within 30-60 mins, on fta, every week. Regardless of what day it is, primetime, afternoon etc. Live or near live every game. Same for the Lions in Brisbane. And why does it happen? Because Demetriou demanded it in the last negotiations, the networks lose money on the Swans/Lions games in Sydney and Brisbane, but if they want the rights they have to agree to it.

Gallop should demand the same for us in Melbourne (and Perth when they get a team), anything less would be a failure.


A fair auction and capable leadership will get us 800+ and multichanneling around the country.

For 8 games, I think we're in agreement there. Anything less than that would be dissapointing.

I do hope they're smart enough however to include the 9th game in the deal - regardless of whether or not they accept 2 bid teams in the next 5 years. They'd have more control over the situation then, rather going back to market a few years from now.


First Grade
For 8 games, I think we're in agreement there. Anything less than that would be dissapointing.

I do hope they're smart enough however to include the 9th game in the deal - regardless of whether or not they accept 2 bid teams in the next 5 years. They'd have more control over the situation then, rather going back to market a few years from now.

I don't think we'll get a fair auction if Packer gets control of Ten. The last thing he wants for his pay tv interests is more league on FTA. the situation now with 3 games on FTA and 5 on Fox forces fans to subscribe to Fox or miss their team most weeks ( or every week for Canberra fans). I think he'll angle Ten to only go for the SOO and Tests and try to keep them out of bidding for weekly games. That would mean we'd need 7 and 9 to bid agressively against each other or we'll get shafted again.


this probably just saying whats already said, but ten have a pretty decent hand of cards if they wanted to make a play for the rugb league rights. i dont want it to ever leave nine because apart from the melbourne broadcast debacles over the years they have been pretty good for league. but packer has just bought a majority sharehold in the company and they also have a dedicated 24hr sports channel and are next year bringing an extra channel


First Grade
Every Swans game is live, or within 30-60 mins, on fta, every week. Regardless of what day it is, primetime, afternoon etc. Live or near live every game. Same for the Lions in Brisbane. And why does it happen? Because Demetriou demanded it in the last negotiations, the networks lose money on the Swans/Lions games in Sydney and Brisbane, but if they want the rights they have to agree to it.

Gallop should demand the same for us in Melbourne (and Perth when they get a team), anything less would be a failure.

Oh absoloutely agree on this.

What about non-Swans games. How many does Sydney get at worst "near live" - Not including FNF on Main Event.


Oh absoloutely agree on this.

What about non-Swans games. How many does Sydney get at worst "near live" - Not including FNF on Main Event.

Sydney and Brisbane get a live AFL game on FTA almost every Saturday and Sunday afternoon. The only exception is when Seven's V8 coverage clashes, but even then they schedule a 2 hour deayed game.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Pay TV ups ante in prime sport rights tussle
Katharine Murphy
November 5, 2010

THE Gillard government has entered final and decisive talks with the heavyweights of the television industry ahead of a landmark decision within a fortnight expected to allow pay television more access to some premium sporting events.

Free-to-air television networks fear Communications Minister Stephen Conroy will make a decision soon in which more AFL matches will be made available to pay television broadcasters rather than locked up on a list that gives Nine, Seven and Ten first option on the high-rating games.

The Age has been told pay TV is seeking access to more than half the popular AFL and rugby league matches currently reserved for free-to-air television in the eleventh-hour talks with officials.

Senator Conroy is meeting senior executives from both the free and pay TV camps this week and, while no one is commenting, AFL and rugby league is believed to be front-and-centre in the discussions.

Free-to-air television is also poised for a win out of the looming anti-siphoning policy decision, gaining the potential to broadcast premium sporting events on their digital multichannels, not just the main channels of Seven, Nine and Ten.

Allowing sport on the multi-channels would help drive the take-up of digital television before the planned switch-over; and also provide a counter offer to viewers rather than the subscription television packages from operators such as Foxtel.

But the quid pro quo for the boost for free TV is likely to be more sporting events migrating to pay television either by removing them from the current anti-siphoning list or by forcing the networks to broadcast events or lose them to their pay TV competitors - a decision that will inevitably spark a political backlash and a public lobbying campaign from the free broadcasters.

The pay TV lobby, meanwhile, remains implacably opposed to the free-to-air networks being able to screen sporting events on their multi-channels, regarding that as a threat to future subscriptions.

The final arm-wrestle between industry and government ahead of the cabinet's anti-siphoning decision - which is expected either early next week or the week after - is centred on future broadcasting of AFL and NRL matches.

Senator Conroy has been hinting publicly for some months that he will use the decision to try to strike a balance between the interests of the free TV industry and the pay television broadcasters.

The decision has been complicated by the recent decision by James Packer to re-enter free-to-air television - a move that hedges his commercial interests between the Ten Network and his stake in Foxtel.

Lobbying in Canberra has been intense over recent weeks given the anti-siphoning decision will be able to be disallowed by the Parliament.

Legislation is expected to be ready for parliamentary consideration later this month.

If the opposition or the crossbench disapproves of Senator Conroy's decision it could be overturned by the Parliament, creating more uncertainty in what has become one of the longest running policy battles in the media portfolio.


The day anyone takes NRL away from ordinary people and makes it elitist is the day it dies.


Why the f**k aren't ch9 showing a test match live. I watched the first half at home then left to go to the inlaws. So in the car I put the radio on triple m and find out the game only has 10mins to go.

I hope to god these useless f**ks lose the rights.


Try living in Brisbane. We haven't had any of the Four Nations live.

Just another reason to have daylight saving in South-East QLD.


@ crap channel 9 coverage of the four nations: hell yes, how can an aussie-nz game not be live? just plain ridiculous

And about the next tv contract, the best back in the world is about to join the pride of the league. This next contract will cover a good portion of Souths next golden era, I reckon that alone should add a few million to our asking price.


@ crap channel 9 coverage of the four nations: hell yes, how can an aussie-nz game not be live? just plain ridiculous

And about the next tv contract, the best back in the world is about to join the pride of the league. This next contract will cover a good portion of Souths next golden era, I reckon that alone should add a few million to our asking price.

Hahaha. Whatever your smoking I want some. Cos it seems like some really good sh*t.


Why the f**k aren't ch9 showing a test match live. I watched the first half at home then left to go to the inlaws. So in the car I put the radio on triple m and find out the game only has 10mins to go.

I hope to god these useless f**ks lose the rights.

Virtually live? Doesn't bother me that much. Just so long as I don't know beforehand.

El Diablo

Post Whore

Rugby league tops pay TV stats

* Brent Read
* From: The Australian
* November 09, 2010 12:00AM

First, its off-seasons tend to be dominated by controversy. Second, it continues to make mincemeat of its rivals on pay television.

Despite the game being mired in another scandal, this time involving Canberra centre Joel Monaghan and a teammate's dog, it isn't all doom and gloom.

If pay television is any indication, the game is in rude health. Figures obtained by The Australian show the NRL comprehensively dominated its rivals this year, yet another indication the game can expect a windfall from its next television deal.

Ratings from pay television until the end of October show four of the top five shows this year are NRL games - the French Open final involving Samantha Stosur is the lone interloper, finishing in third spot.

The biggest game of the year remains the Parramatta-Sydney Roosters game, played at Parramatta Stadium in July. The further you dig, the more impressive the figures for the NRL. Of the top 50 shows, 39 are rugby league. Of the top 100, 73 are from the NRL.

Next best is cricket with 11 games in the top 100, split between Twenty20 and one-day cricket. Only nine AFL games make the cut, although the sport has a greater presence on free-to-air television than the NRL.

The highest-rating AFL game was between Collingwood and the Western Bulldogs in June. It finished in 33rd spot, attracting an average of 271,260 viewers. In contrast, the Eels-Roosters game registered an average of 360,633 viewers.

The results were even worse for soccer and rugby union. Rugby only had four entrants and none were Super 15 games. Rugby's first entrant was the opening Bledisloe Cup game against New Zealand, which featured in 21st place with an average audience of 281,523 viewers. It was also broadcast on commercial television.

The A-League was similarly ignored by pay-television subscribers. Only two soccer games featured in the top 100 - the Australia-New Zealand international was prominent at 14th while last year's A-League grand final languished in 74th place.

The remaining place on the top 100 was reserved for last month's final of Australia's Next Top Model. The latest figures will only strengthen the belief that rugby league is set to reap a bumper deal when it officially starts television rights negotiations next year.

Channel Seven has already indicated it plans to bid for State of Origin while James Packer's decision to buy a share of Channel Ten has heightened optimism that network could make a play for the NRL.

Channel Nine won't give up without a fight while pay television will do everything in its power to keep its share of NRL games.

The NRL has hired consulting firm LEK to help it maximise its television rights, which some estimate could be worth as much as $1 billion over five years.

The rights will be negotiated under the supervision of the independent commission, which is expected to be in place for the start of next season, increasing hopes the game will reap a fortune.

"It's another reminder of how popular our game is and augurs well for the upcoming broadcasting rights," NRL chief executive David Gallop said.

South Sydney chief executive Shane Richardson was even more bullish.

"That reflects how popular rugby league is," Richardson said.
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