Okay, so it is possible, Any thing is possible. As to feasibility, I guess that is what feasibility studies are for. I am sure there are people with enough knowledge to make the case for such a change, but I think we are talking about massive amount of money to capitalise on it. Not just purchasing a high priced piece of Church street, but then either gutting the building or completely knocking it several buildings and building a completely new club.
If you want to go for right in the heart of Parramatta, there are two prime areas to consider. The First is the old David Jones? Building just as you come off from over the Bridge towards Parramatta. There is paid Parking behind the facility, it is quite large, and has a nice exterior for the club to then gut completely and build the required internals. I would personally think that would be the best place.
Very perceptive Mark.
Next would be the corner of Church and Philip Street, backing towards Erby Pl. But seeing as that is not one building it would require a great deal more work.
Either option has us I think purchasing a Car Park facility directly behind the club, which while a revenue stream could make parking quite difficult at the club. We might have to think about a validation scheme.
Could we use the old club and all our properties for capital, sure, but you would want to hope and pray that beyond the money the club might make, that the Eels wouldn't require a cent and we would be able to pay back that sort of expense in a relatively short time frame.