I made several points about Ian Roberts in my last post that you completely ignored. You have wishy-washy quotes that could be taken in different ways. In other words, you have nothing
"You couldn't envisage a 10 year old having a crush on someone from the same sex but you can accept that males can be attracted to males?"
wtf are you talking about? logic police, does anyone know what this guy is talking about here? Well and truly lost me
Why do i need medical evidence? Its not a university paper. From the very outset, i said it was an observation based on the experiences that i have had with gay people. The link is undeniable, and you agree. End of section.
The logic is not the same. I think you should really go take a blue pill and have a lie down. Your saying, that just because goangod argued that there was a link between paedophilia and gays, that i MUST use the same logic to say that there is a link between feminity and gays? Sorry mate, but you would get laughed out of the house if you tried arguing that one at a lecture. The fact that some gays are feminine has NOTHING to do with gays who play with kids.
I have observed that some gays are feminine. Goangod, as far as i can tell, has used a combination of stats and stories out of papers (mainly revolving around priests) to show a link.
OK, take this quote:
"Gay men, for example, show more feminine patterns of occupational and hobby interests than heterosexual men do (see the Lippa and Arad 1997 Sex Roles article). New research evidence shows even more strongly that gender diagnosticity is strongly related to both men's and women's sexual orientation (Lippa, 2000, Journal of Personality; Lippa, 2002, Archives of Sexual Behavior)."
Discuss with me your thoughts on gender diagnosticity