yeah but the end of the ball was rising and in turn lifting his finger - ie the ball was imparting more upward pressure on his finger than his finger was downward pressure on the ball. I wish it were a try, but there is no way I want to see tries like that (and Ben Barba's ludicrous "try") awarded.
Let me make it simple for you,
The ball is on the ground
Ryan Hall puts downward pressure on the ball
All the bollocks about the coefficient of restitution dictating the upwards motion of the ball therefore negating what your very eyes are seeing right in front of you is claptrap!
As Jim Garrison said in his summing up of the JFK trial,
Theoretical physics can also prove that an elephant can hang off a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy! But use your eyes, ..."
There's no law in the book that governs how much downward pressure a player must apply or that it can't be pressure from one finger.
Once again the ball is over the try line and in contact with the ground
Hall puts downward pressure on the ball
At that very instant it's a try, end of, no more need for deliberation or interpretation.
No need for Arlen Specter in the guise of one or both of the Sutton bandits to formulate a 'magic bullet theory' .
It's a try!
Only it couldn't be could it because if it's a try Australia get knocked out and we can't have that can we!