My name answers that question!
Beavis or Butthead?
I'll take the ping-pong balls as I'll have replacements galore for lifeboth = wayne beavis.
opening your front door to find your house has been infested with drunken koalas, or opening your car door to find that someone filled your car with pingpong balls?
I'll take the ping-pong balls as I'll have replacements galore for life
Here's one for you Muzby...
Trying to out-run a pack of blood-thirsty kangaroos or trying to place 3 billiards balls in your mouth at the same time?
depends where the ping pong balls have been....both = wayne beavis.
opening your front door to find your house has been infested with drunken koalas, or opening your car door to find that someone filled your car with pingpong balls?