Moffo, IMO, faith should be an individual thing but the Vatican does try to tell people how to think. I accept that you don't take their word as gospel though.
I was of the opinion that the Vatican is trying to tell everyone what a Christian is.. when in reality, a Christian is simply someone who follows the word of Jesus Christ. By not recognising other Christian faiths, it could be said that the Catholic church is using their position of power to define Christianity.... and even how a person should observe their faith. You suggested as much in one of your posts (#290).
As for the other stuff Moffo, it looks like we got an answer.
But I hope you understand that it had to be extracted with a tyre lever. Your side stepping and contradictions on the issue was impressive to say the least.
Please allow me to take us for a walk down memory lane.
It all started back in post #242 when you made comment on a query:
("Are there any other religons other than christianity that insist on trying to convert everyone else?")
Moffo: How about stacking up Christians against Mormons?
I thought, 'hello, Moffothinks that Mormons are Christians are different.'
...and then it continued....
Moffo # 253: "Welll, this may be so, but Mormon teachings are different from Christian teachings. "
"Mormons and Christians are different."
(Willow # 288: "Moffo... You are differentiating Mormons from Christians.")
Moffo # 290: "Why do they feel the need to differentiate themselves from Christians if they are Christians? <u>They do things in a different way to Christians</u>, hence they give themselves a different title. "
"Perhaps i should go up to a Mormon and ask them one day why they feel the need to differentiate themselves from Christians. "
and this little beauty...
"...the christian faith and the vatician dont acknowledge Mormons as part of the faith"
Starting to get the picture but still not convinced...
Moffo # 306: "the vatican doesnt acknowledge Mormons. They fall under the Christian banner, ok, well i guess that is up for debate. "
"They might see themselves as representing the Christian religion, but obviously the vatican don't see things the same way..."
" would be good to see what the vatican officially has to say on the issue"
"saying 'they see themselves as Christians' is all fine and dandy, but there must be reasons why the vatican doesn't see it the same way. "
A break through...
Moffo # 329: "Mormons see themselves as christians. That is how i should've said it. "
lol, but old habits die hard...
"some sections of the Mormoncommunity differ fundamentally from Christian beliefs. That is why i said before that <u>they aren't Christians as such</u>. "
And lastly but not leastly, a defining moment...
Moffo # 358: "Ill say it one moreee time, Mormons view themselves as Christians. "
One more time...? LOL... thankyou for indulging me.
So you can see why I didnt think you were answering this question... perhaps it was the question that was at fault.Anyway, you were twisting it into a knot so tight that it could have stopped the Queen Mary from leaving port. But we got there in the end.
On a final note mate, no offence intended for the post pasting. I thought some of it was pretty interesting and even funny. I think you lost your way on the Mormon thing but by and large, you put forward some good arguments.
Happy New Year.