Also, I'll repeat from my last post: The rest of the disagreements in your post are just quibbling over dates, and don't affect the basic truth.
Steve, I have told you many times throughout this thread that it
IS only the historical dates and authorship I amdebating. I have not once, nor will I, deal with the theological aspects of Godor thevalidity or otherwise of the "truth" of what is contained within the gospels.Noram Iattacking your faith, I am merely debatingthe historical accuracy of the books, not their content or doctrine.
No originals of course because paper deteriorates
They didn't use paper in those times
Julius Caesar's writingsare about 1000 years after his time, and far fewer in number, yet no one doubts his existence or authenticity.
Because we aren't debating who wrote Ceaser's war chronicles, nor does any faith hinge on what he wrote. As I said Steve, I haven't disputed a single wordwritten in the gospels, nor the existence of Christ and the Apostles, just the dates the gospels were written and who wrote them.
All the scientists and evolutionists don't agree on everything, do they?
No they don't, and you readily use that disagreement to discredit their findings don't you. Can't have it both ways Steve
And be honest, you don't really want to believe anyway, do you?
Well I have no idea what to make of that. It's not a matter of what I want to believe. I absolutely do believe the gospels were written somewhere around that time and that they were even written by good men in good faith,andthat they were written by men who honestly believed in what they wrote. I have never disputed that and I also totally accept and support, as does most of society, many of the values and principles contained within those writings. Do I believe in God? No, but that has absolutely nothing to do with who and when the gospels were written nor about wanting to believe or not. You believeandI don't,I don't understand why you believe any more/less than you understand why I don't believe, that's just the way of it.
I blame Moffo for dragging me into all this, I'm gonna have to find a way to extract vengeance on that boy