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Thoughts on society.....



Willow, you propose a hypothetical about Jesus coming to earth in the present day, but we can't bring faith, interpretations or beliefs into consideration. OK:

scenario 1 - chaos

scenario 2 - harmony

Aaah - I can't help myself: Jesus is going to come back, but not the way you describe. See the book of Revelation. Also Acts 1:11 "This same Jesus, who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven."
STEVE: If we're only talking about historical accuracy and dating, why did you say the following? "Because we aren't debating who wrote Ceaser's war chronicles, nor does any faith hinge on what he wrote" Why bring faith into it? I was giving an example only of another historical written account.

You have taken that out of context Steve. My response was in answer to you query as to why there are no greatdebates on the authenticity of Caesars Chronicles. I simply answered by suggesting it may bedue to the fact nogreat faith or relevance hinges on them. May be wrong but it does seem quitelogical to me.

STEVE:I think I have addressed this further in #636,
I disagree.

STEVE: The books of the NT were were written in the latter part of the first century; the earliest manuscripts are of the 4th century, say from 250 to 300 years later.

LOL,thatsounds like a lot of conjecture to me and certainly indicates quite clearly that they reallydon't know. First offthere are no records of when the originals were written or who wrote themas they were never signed nor did the author name himself. The best they have for timing is conjecture based on events referenced with the writings. They have nothing on authorship other than 250 yr old hearsay as the good Dr inadvertantly points out. How does he know themanuscriptsof the 4th century are a true copy of the originals?

I know your Catholic sources disagree
Therein in lays the source of your real problem Steve.They are the ones that actually canonised thoseold manuscripts into the Bible and hold the only evidence relating to those early days. If what they haveisn't enough for them to verify it beyond conjecture and belief just what on earth are these other coots using to arrive at the dates and authors you put up? They don't agree on dates etc because they simply don't know, their all guessing,none of the Gospels were dated nor did the writer identify himself. In fact the early church discarded another 27 gospels as fraud, how do they know these are any different.

This may sound a considerable interval, but it is nothing to that of... the great classical authors." He goes on to give examples: Sophocles 1400 year gap, Euripides 1600, Plato 1300 - yet all these and others are considered to have complete copies of their writings
LOL, sounds like your Ceasar analogy eh what! Again who cares if Plato or Sophocles writings were altered or not, we accept them as classical works, great writings to read, but no more than that. Wecertainly don't live our lives according to them or run great institutions of faith based on them do we. We are not asked to have faith in them or believe in any greater "being" by them. If that were the case then they would be under far more scrutiny as well I suppose.I think Dr. John Warwick Montgomeryis scapping the bottom of the barrell if that's the best he's got to offer by way of proof, sounds more like pleading to me.

As for #639, that response by Lewis appears pretty lame to me, more like hey, look, it's not imaginative orartisticin style so it must be factual. Give me a break.

I think you are saying, if all the theologians/historians don't agree exactly on dates, then how can you believe any of it
No, what I am saying is that instead of using such spurious examples as the good Dr above has done they should just say "Look, we don't honestly know when they were written, orwho really wrote them, but we believethey were written around this time by people who had access to witnesses and we believe the are a real account of events"

In other words, a little bit of honesty and integrity wouldn't go astray instead of all the rubbish they try and put over. The truth is they have relied on ignorance to carry on a liefor nearly 1900 years but are now being caught out and can't publicly acknowledge that they just don'tknow when or by whom they were written for fear the whole house of cards will come crumbling down. You asked earlier why I don't believe, it is because they have constantly lied and decieved, waged wars for greed and power and used God's name for political purposes to suit there own ends.What about all the wars they've had, all the splinter break away religions, over the last millenia the one true church has now desintegrated into 1,000's, allarguing between themselves and claiming to know better than the other. Are you saying they are all right, if not which ones are and which is wrong, or does one just choose which suits best with what they want.Sheesh, give me one valid reason why I shouldbelieve one single thing the hypocrites have to say?

STEVE: I think you are saying, if all the theologians/historians don't agree exactly on dates, then how can you believe any of it. I look at it differently; I look at the different ideas and say, I think this one is right.
Yep, I reckon that pretty much covers how they come up with the dates and authors, whenall else fails just take your bestguess at what sounds best. Now that we finally agree on that issue we can move on eh!

"over the last millenia the one true church has now desintegrated into 1,000's, allarguing between themselves and claiming to know better than the other"

Realistically, most of these '1000s' (a greatly inflated number, but anyways), still believe in the same core beliefs. A lot of the time, its minor issues that cause groups to splinter off into different areas. But the core ideas stay the same in most cases. I think you will find that Jesus is still a figurehead in the great majority of the smaller religious groups.

Can they all be right? Obviously not. Bit of a loaded question really. But as i said, most of the splinter groups still share the same core beliefs



No, what I am saying is that instead of using such spurious examples as the good Dr above has done they should just say "Look, we don't honestly know when they were written, orwho really wrote them, but we believethey were written around this time by people who had access to witnesses and we believe they are a real account of events" Spurious is a subjective term. The book by Montgomery was written in response to a lecture given at a university in the early 60s which basically said that Jesus may or may not have existed, and that we can't know anything at all about him from the gospels. Montgomery is saying that "we believe they were written around this time by people who had access to witnesses (he would add that some of them were witnesses, as is stated several times in the gospels and other NT books) and we believe they are a real account of events." That's what he is claiming, and trying to show why he has confidence in his conclusions. Why then do you add:
In other words, a little bit of honesty and integrity wouldn't go astray instead of all the rubbish they try and put over - Rasputin

I think he, and others like him I've read, are making an honest attempt. And a convincing one. BTW, I have given only a small part of the argument he makes in his book. The material about manuscripts comes under the heading of Bibiographical Evidence, one of 3 things historians look at when judging written documents. The other 2 are Internal Evidence nd External Evidence. I can go into them if you like.

They are the ones that actually canonised thoseold manuscripts into the Bible and hold the only evidence relating to those early days. If what they haveisn't enough for them to verify it beyond conjecture and belief just what on earth are these other coots using to arrive at the dates and authors you put up? More recent scholarship is what they are using. Don't we know more now about the pyramids, or the Sphinx, or heiroglyphics, than we did 200 or 500 years ago? One of the people I cited in my earlier post was, as mentioned, librarian and Head of the British Museum. A pretty reputable source, wouldn't he be?

Also, as I posted earlier, even though the Catholic sources you've posted don't agree on the exact dates of writing as the sources I've used, they still agree on the main point: [The Catholic Church] has always proclaimed her belief in the historical accuracy and consequent real harmony of the canonical Gospels

I don't want to drag this on if you don't, but I wanted to respond to these things. We are probably at a point where it's a matter of belief and non-belief. I just want to make clear that my beliefs are not just based on "blind faith" but on what I consider good evidence. It's still faith, because it's belief in something I can't see, but I maintain it's not a mindless belief.

Steve: Why then do you add:...
I was not referring specifically to Montgomery, or anyone else for that matter, it was more a generalisation against all those that insist they do know the dates and authors. I was not aware of the context in which Montgomery made those remarks but will accept your elaboration and even commend him on hisintegrity, wish there were more like him. Same goes for the Catholics, at least on this issue, where they at least acknoweldge itis only their belief, full credit to them for that.

More recent scholarship is what they are using. Don't we know more now about the pyramids, or the Sphinx, or heiroglyphics, than we did 200 or 500 years ago?
No, sorry but I can't buy that. It is nothing like the Sphinx etc at all where the originals still exist andthe use of new technologyallows us to re-examineit. In the case of the Gospels the originals do not exist, only 300 yr old copies, there is no way of determing the accuracy of the copies or theauthenticity of the original.Totally different scenario Steve.

librarian and Head of the British Museum. A pretty reputable source, wouldn't he be?
For what? Establishing the age of the copies? OK I'll buy that but what does it prove other than the earliest manusript is dated in the 4th century? What has that to do with authorship and accuracy to the original writings, if they existed that is?

Idon't want to drag this on if you don't, but .....
It's just I really fearothersmay be losing patience and becoming a little frustrated with this topic

We are probably at a point where it's a matter of belief and non-belief.
Well, no offence but that isexactly what I said in the first place mate, it's an individual and personal choice.

I just want to make clear that my beliefs are not just based on "blind faith" but on what I consider good evidence.
I have no doubt Steve, though if you are referring to my use of that term then you should re-read what I wrte about it.It is a simple fact that "faith", of any kind, does notrequire evidence, that's the meaning of the word.

It's still faith, because it's belief in something I can't see, but I maintain it's not a mindless belief.
And Ihavenever suggested otherwise in your caseSteve, I commend you on your committment and to some extent even envy you. "Mindless belief" is more along the lines of Willow's fantasy of St George winning the comp this year, a clear case of misplaced and somewhatfoolish hope as everyone knows it will be the Eel's year. ;)



Assistant Moderator
You can't see the author's name Jo but they were posts by Oneye.
I didnt delete them but its probably something to do with scrolling issues rather than the content...


I only saw one of them before they were deleted and they seemed to scroll OK. It was a cut and paste from a scientology website. From what I've been reading on the net they are pretty touchy about certain things so I thought maybe you got instructed to remove it.


Assistant Moderator
JoeD: "It was a cut and paste from a scientology website. From what I've been reading on the net they are pretty touchy about certain things so I thought maybe you got instructed to remove it."

I'm not sure what you mean. Who exactly do you think instructed us to remove it?

I'll try and find out why it was removed.


I don't know, from what I've been reading about them (scientologists) on the net (its on the net so it has to be true) is that they are one of the most letigious (sp?) organizations around, especially when it comes to the internet. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I just couldn't see any reason to delete the post that I saw, so that popped into my head.Then again I'm not really an expert on site management so what would I know?


The Scientologists are notorious for ruthless protecting copyright and hunting down detractors. Any media outlet putting out negative stories will have a barrage of legal grief courtesy of the CofS aggressive lawyers.
They also hunt down anyone who manages to break free from their cult. Freedom of speech does not extend to criticising the Scientologists.
The Church also has “religious status” in America and they use this world wide to leverage favourable conditions. The argument goes, speak against them, and speak against freedom of religion, under some treaty signed by the UN.
Needless to say the Church of S is pure evil, brain washing, money grubbing parasites. Far worse than heroin IMHO.
But I am not paranoid enough to believe they are behind these above deletions.
this thread has taken a few twists and turns since I tuned in, but beyond the belief in religion of G(g)od, I wonder what is the function of religion.
If evolution dictates species either adapt or fall by the wayside, I think religion evolved to bring individuals together by way of common belief to make them stronger. To turn them into a community.
Evolution created God and not the other way around.
While religion or belief bonded communities closer, it also pitted them against others, who believed in something different.
This may account why people could do selfless deeds of caring and sharing within their local area, but were also capable of unspeakable acts of cruelty to others who fall beyond the boundries of the local town or village.


Assistant Moderator
Thats allright Joe, thanks for the question because we're always keen to let people know what goes on. Better to know then not to know imo.
Never hesitate to ask.

This is a NineMsn forum and for that reason, Nine Msn can come in at anytime and do what they like. They could ban people, delete posts and threads... they could even shut down the whole forum if they wanted to.

But since LWOS was formed, we havent seen their presence at all. I don't we are of any concern to them at all.
I did read once that a NineMsn forum was closed down following complaints. But this was forum run by Nazis who were breaking numerous anti-racism laws. It was pretty heavy stuff apparently.

Its more likely that one of our own LWOS managers deleted the post forhis own reason and hopefully, we'll find out.
I should get a copy of the deleted posts by emailtoday or tomorrow so I'll be in on the news as well. :D


Willow, correct me if I'm wrong but you already know who posted in the deleted replies. It shows up to every Manager. Whether it's anyone's business is another matter, of course.

Do MSN close communities? I've seen some shockers and they are still there.

Scientologists are bizarre at best. Basing your life on a book is not rational.

Is the Bible a book?:eek:


it was scrolling across the page so it was wiped.
he has other posts on this page which are fine (post 646 for example).

mr eye has been warned about his font size and if copy and pasting, the width of it.
i see no problems with the odd copy and paste but this thread is a beauty, a lot of people have put a lot of thought into their arguments and i feel its a shame and unfair to the serious debaters to have it buggered up by a scroll issue.

mr eye has the same rights as everyone else here, but he also has the same responsibilities.

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