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Three, Two, One's

Genius Freak

Well until Mikey gets home and puts the Sharks Den Survivor link up, what say we post our 3,2,1's?

3 - Rieck. Far and away the best player on the park. Brilliant in defence, a complete 180 from 2003.

2 - Noddy. Pissed on Sherwin all night. Great kicks in general play and good leadership. Shouldn't be kicking for goal tho.

1 - Beattie. The Sattleresque tackle gets him on the board.

Honorable mention - Lomu. Being booted from Sharks Survivor has clearly lit a fire under him.

Special K

3 -Noddy. What a f**king ball he threw to Rieck my god

2 - Lomu. f**k he looked pissed off tonight. Good to see he took it out on the dogs and not his kicking game

1 - Stevens. Great at the start. When he went off the boys were never the same


1. Noddy - was tireless in defence, took the line on and had a great kicking game. Unfortunately he was usually the first chaser to reach the Bulldogs player.

2. Sullivan - Had another huge impact off the bench. Still has to work on his ball security in tackles

3. Beattie - Just beat Stevens for this in my opinion, was solid all night and the tackle on a flying Lolesi was incredible


3 - Rieck - for turning Patten inside out - brilliant.
2 - Nuts - I think he did a lot and I thnk Stevens gave away more penalties.
1 - Sullivan

I know people will disagree but peach was playing much better tonight - and would have got a point if it hadn't been for the sinbin and the dummy spit - he let the boys down tonight - but having said that I thought he played much better - some of his takes under the high ball were fabulous


First Grade
3. Noddy
2. Stevo (great game)
1. Birdy (played pretty well I thought)

Mentions definetly to Sully, Galloway, Merritt, Rieck, Lomu and Hilder.

The whole team played well together IMHO. We deserved a win. Still pissed, but next week should be an absolute cracker of a game for us.

Sharks to win...


First Grade
3. Noddy - much improved from last week. Good kicking game and much better display in guiding the boys around the park. Great pass to Reick which resulted in a try

2. Sullivan - he's improving every week and makes a big impact off the bench. I still want to see him get a start

1. Rieck - great hands tonight. twice the bal lwas kicked down his wing and he caught it both times with the doggies running at him. Scored a great try too

Also thought Stevens and Lomu played well too


3. Rieck (Gave the boys confidence when he scored the first try and put in lots of effort for the rest of the game)
2. Beattie (try saving tackle)
1. Kimmorley (lots of good passes)

Honorable mentions for Sully, Lomu and Stevens though.


3: Rieck - Played like a traditional winger, superb speed and positioning
2: Sully - Darted throught the defence like Preston usedd to do.
1: Lomu - an absolute monster, he stampeded the dogs defence.


I honestly don't know what planet you are on sometimes Reefy???

1. A very poor option to grubber leads to a Bulldogs try.

2. Poor discipline with 10 minutes in the bin results in another Canterbury try.

He tried, no doubt about that. But surely you jest as Man of the Match??


Nope, I'm not.
peach was the main reason the entire game stuck together for the Sharks.
I would never ask peach to change a thing. If he's done something wrong out there tonight, he knows it better than any of us or Raper. He'll fix it.
I am absolutely loving every minute of the Sharks mulitple points of attack. It is bewildering the opposition. They don't know if it's Noddy, Peach, Sully(where'd he come from) or even Bird directing the play.
Think back to last year when it was 5 off Noddy on the inside then kick.

BTW We are all aware of the Fizmans obsession with the board & also Simmons.

Also, if you are so worried about poor kicks, why weren't you calling for Noddys head after 6 of his kicks went over the deadball last week resulting in not one repeat set for the Sharks in the entire match?


I like your point about "If he's done something wrong out there , He'll fix it" The way that he has learned about his discipline with talking to referees has been outstanding hasn't it Reefy???

There is no doubt I have issues with the Board, no question. BUT, I tell you this. If you find ANY POST of mine that even MENTIONS the name David Simmons let alone obsession with him, I will send you down a carton. That is a promise.

I am happy to debate, but lets stick to the FACTS.


Reefy, Are you on the turps tonight???

I haven't made any mentions in any posts regarding "poor kicking".
If you want to debate with me, smarten up and stick to the facts.


LOLOLOLOLOLOL....Now I know what your saying. Sure the kicking game wasn't perfect, but I was only talking about Peachey's performance. I was highlighting 2 of his errors which cost us points.

Do you show the same consistancy to all players when they make mistakes or just the senior players?? For me, knowing how to fix mistakes and actually fixing them are two seperate issues.

Tell me honestly, Wouldn't you think Peachey should know better than to keep questioning the referee on decisions after what happened against Parra last year??I don't beleive that anyone can defend his ill discipline tonight.


I can.
I already know the referee is in for grilling.
peacheys indisrcetions are minor compared to what is happening in other matches this weekend.
Archer nearly sent 2 other Sharks players off before peach, but he could not because of results.
mander on the other hand threatened & threatened, & still kept control of the match tonight. & much more was being done & said in that match, believe me, it was hostile.

The entire argument is a non event. We can't lose Peach. There would be too much of a hole left. I believe he is stepping up like never before.

& here's the weird thing about the Peach presence.
Nobody even noticed Noddy wasn't captaining, well, he was, but he wasn't. The refs continually called peach & spoke to him about ruling explanations etc.