commissioning a leading, respected and expensive recruiting firm to scour the world for a CEO, receiving almost 100 applications from presumably highly qualified sports administrators (this sounds awfully like an external recruitment process?)
The recruitment process itself is an internal one..
Companies occasion outsource certain parts, such as application collection or reference checking or testing, but the decision to start the hiring process, and the final say on who is hired requires sign off from someone in the hiring company..
For it to be an external process, a recruitment agency would have to be both creating the roles and appointing the successful candidate..
I do like though that the further our club wanders into quagmary, the more qualified the agency and their resumes will become..
And I do like your use of the term “respected”.. Recruiters would rank somewhere near used car salesmen in this area..
A headhunting agency like we engaged find people who aren’t actively looking for work, but at the end of the day they are simply a recruitment agency..