Before you come in here and have your rags everywhere, it's best to get some little tidbits of info right before making massive bullshit assumptions and calling all the innocent fans names.
Firstly - Lui was not sacked, he was released.
Secondly - As far as the law is concerned, Lui hasn't committed any crime as yet. His current case is still before the courts.
Thirdly - No one here is defending Payten, no matter how much you tell us all that we are or we will. What we are doing is attacking your f**kheaded posts.
Fourthly - We ALL agree that pissing on a war memorial monument is a stupid and moronic thing to do.
Fifthly - Getting pissed and having one indiscretion like this is not common nor typical for Payten. This alone is a reason why his indiscretion, which he quickly admitted to and went to court for and copped the punnishment for, without Tigers admin involvement is evidence of this. He admits to his mistake and is wearing the penalty. That is the example he leads and that is the culture he and the club has, you get found guilty of something, you admit it, you comp the penalty.
Sixthly - Lui's first case was dropped, his second case is before the courts, legally, he hasn't been found guilty of anything. He has already left the club now, so whatever happens to him from here on in, isn't the Tigers concern.
Seventhly - Fans are sticking up for their club against f**kwits like you who seem to think pissing on a war monument, while deplorable, should be dealt with by deportation. Do you believe Mundine was right in his comments about 9/11? Surely those words by an Australian born and bred man are akin to pissing on a war memorial.
Eighthly - Don't come in and criticise any club because of some indiscretion one of its former players made, when your own club has former players who have committed other very serious crimes as well (Beattie and Bartrim are two off the top of my head).
Ninthly - Our club doesn't need to take any action, the courts and this country's legal system already has. If you don't like it, deal with the club about it, not innocent fans who can't change anything about it.
Tenthly - You are a deadbeat, f**kwitted, hypocritical, ignorant moron whose views on the world are idiotically dopey. Grow up, get a f**king life and move on you f**khead.