Yes it will be nice to win the 20's but we would be going backwards putting Chad back there.
Just keep him in firsts for the remainder of the year which will build up his confidence and combos with AK for next year.
I'd rather have Chad playing as many games in first grade which will help him for next year.
I see cb4's point about putting Chad back but at the same time winning the TC is not where it's at from a club survival point of view. The first grade side needs to be winning and the best half, be it Chad or not, should be in first grade.
I also think it's good for the current mob of TC players to do without Chad as it will make others stand up and keep the side moving forward if they are good enough.
For the record, CT ≥ TS, SP or WG as a halfback. Even with only 2 games of big time under his belt.
TS is simply farged. I can't give him any more chances
SP is OK at a pinch but is a nothing player with a big boot
WG is a forward (lock) in backs clothing. Centre at a pinch if he can run lines.