For my birthday this year I must have got almost $40 worth in scratchies from various people (not as their only gift mind you). I feel like saying you know I'd be just happier with the actual $40 but a gift is a gift I suppose.
a few years back we had a christmas in july party at a mates house..
anyway, we had to bring a $10 present to add into a lucky dip..
so i bought a single game of lotto, got the official lotto envelope..
and then bought some fake scratchies - ones which reveal a $10,000 win - and put these in the tattslotto envelope and wrapped them up in christmas paper..
anyway, the 'lucky' person who drew my prize scratched their scratchies and was off celebrating their win with one of their friends..
when it was finally revealed to them that it was a prank.. and that i was responsible..
i'm rather lucky i didn't get stabbed...