It's not surprising in the least. It's not for me but I understand people who believe to help get them through the day. It doesn't make it any more believable, of course. What would surprise me is if other religious people actually shared this viewpoint with you.
Well, nobody can know what happens after we die beyond the scientific and biological stuff. The brain shuts down and the body decomposes etc.
We can't say that there definitively is or is not an afterlife. You can choose to believe that there isn't and others can choose to have faith that there is.
It's not hurting anybody one way or the other in that respect, although some of the doctrine around it does hurt people.
That is another thing I hate about Christianity as an organisation (and other religions, but we're on the subject)'s monstrous to presume that God loves everyone....except the people who don't prescribe to our way of life. The Christian Churches and huge elements of the Christian faith's treatment of homosexuality (for example) is inhuman and quite honestly evil IMO
And I mean that as an organisation, not a religion. I don't believe that any true Christian would wish ill of any other person.
That comes back to my original point re: Roman editing. Some dude read it and thought 'I hate androtops, so does Leviticus. Winning'.
It's my biggest gripe with the Roman Catholic Church. That Jesus, whoever he was and to whatever extent he was Holy, preached love and acceptance. He never said anything about hating gay people, nor did any of his disciples as far as I'm aware.
The homophobic shit in the Bible came from people completely unrelated to the central stuff. Drew would know better than me.
Who the f**k was Leviticus?
Exactly, but the difference is people are brought up in a religious household taught that this is the truth, and if you aren't in line with this you will be punished, and it is taught from the very moment they can understand human language. It isn't that prejudice is hiding behind religion, it's that religion actively teaches prejudice.
Not true at all. In some cases, sure; but I was raised religious by a Catholic mother and a Catholic grandmother. I attended Church every Sunday. I was baptised, confirmed, reconciled, and took my first Communion. I attended Catholic School and Sunday School.
My family nor my priests (and I had close to a dozen different ones as I was moving around) never once preached intolerance or homophobia.
Those that I have encountered that do harp on about hating homosexuality almost inevitably are just shitty people. They would have been homophobic either way, but now they've got religion to 'blame' it on. It exonerates them of their own guilt at being shitty human beings.
Religion was done for me when they said that dogs don't go to heaven tbh
Man, I cried like a little bitch when I saw that movie.
Of course, I
was 4.