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Costco sell boxes of like 80 Peppermint Freddos for like $10-$20
so far you are winning....
Costco sell boxes of like 80 Peppermint Freddos for like $10-$20
By 'heavily edited' I mean that the Romans chose what went into their Bible and what was left out.
Easy to select things that support your current way of thinking and conveniently leave out and lose those that did not.
You say that, but who says the writers did any embellishing? Luke was written a minimum 40 years after Jesus died. Matthew the same, Mark 30, and John 50. That's a lot of time for Chinese whispers.
Muslim "martyrs" die for far less than the Apostles did.
Again, incorrect. The earliest full canon listing was part of the Muratorian fragment, which accepted 95% of the current NT bible as 'canon', nearly 200 years before the Romans were even near it.
The canon was widely accepted by Christians well before the Roman 'claim' over it was made. All the Council of Nicaea did was officially recognise what was a known truth.
Oral culture where oral history was far different to what we have now. There's been tomes of literature written on this suggesting the gospels weren't some chinese whipsers. They simply were not written in such a way.
I accept you don't accept it, but the weight of scholarly and historical research is well against you. I will state that the claim of the gospel is extraordinary though, and accept it is not something you swallow simply.
Shut the front door! All of this religious talk is totes cray cray and it's making me #bored...Not!
Like, I find debate amazeballs. It's right up there with my P4F (passion for fashion, yo), LMFAO!
Haters can talk to the hand, #justsayin. I'm just chillaxing and thinkin' 'bout my homeboy, Jesus. Don't you think it was like #awkward and a bit funky that his homeboy, Judith or whatever, was all emoshee about their bromance and totally bitched him out? Like, weren't they #besties or something?
IMHO, he was all edgy coz Jesus had... like... other besties. Matthew and Paul and Ringo and those other dudes. It's like my friend, Dutchy. She's a total fashionista and she can't handle that boys are all about my superior lumps, y'know?
They like-eee my lumps, LMFAO! But she's all like "Shut the front door!" What a bitch. She's just jealous of my #swag. My bad! I can't help that I'm always #winning.
Anywho, what I was sayin' is that Jesus was the bestest and all ya'll are just making it awks coz you don't get it. WTF? Like, your parents didn't love you right, ho! #YOLO and you gotta live and let live. #WWJD stands for What Would Justin (Biebs!) Do and you know he's all about tolerance. #love
Peace out,
Easy to select things that support your current way of thinking and conveniently leave out and lose those that did not.
Drew is a good guy so I'll avoid singling him out, but this is pretty much the cornerstone of many arguments made in favour religion. Intellectual dishonesty and special pleading in abundance, with mental gymnastics thrown in here and there.
The gospels being eyewitness testimony/the early dates for the gospels are a fringe view and not held by the majority of scholars. There is a lack of decent evidence for when they were written and as such their date is often given in a wide time frame spanning decades. It's not the least bit surprising those with a vested interest in it being true believe they were written at the beginning of the period, and those with a vested interest in it being false believe otherwise.
I will state that the claim of the gospel is extraordinary though, and accept it is not something you swallow simply.
I use the argument being a Christian myself. I believe in God and I believe in the vaguaries of the Bible.
I have no faith in humans to interpret that without bias, as evidenced by pretty much every organised religion on earth being borderline evil villains when you cut through their holier than thou bullshit.
Not directed at Drew at all, but at the Roman Catholic Church which allegedly started all this shit. It's one of the most corrupt, insipid, hateful organisations out there.
And that's a point I made (probably poorly) earlier. Religion is superstition. Why is religion held to be more true than any other superstition? Based on embellished accounts written after the fact?
And, unrelated to that, why does the Church get to decide which gospels are canon and which aren't? IF god exists, and IF Joshua of Nazareth was his son, WHY do men dictate what is true about the divine? It's utter and complete nonsense
And that's a point I made (probably poorly) earlier. Religion is superstition. Why is religion held to be more true than any other superstition? Based on embellished accounts written after the fact?
You identify as a Christian? You seem a bit off again on again if you don't mind me saying. You've made references to it here and there, but I got the impression you had lapsed or whatever.
You sound a bit more like a deist to me than a theist. Though I've always got the impression from some people that they made the jump from deist to theist for convenience.
Religion is not superstition, though. Elements of it may seem or even be superstitious, but it's more than just a belief without a basis in truth.
It's a community, it's an encouragement for people to be better to one another, it's a set of loose moral 'laws' for people to follow that, generally speaking, do make them better people (aside from the recent shit like homophobia and 'no condoms', which can be attributed to the Church rather than the religion itself), and we've all just been discussing the fact that it does have a basis in history.
Superstitions, by and large, are relatively simple beliefs that revolve around luck (good or bad). Elements of religion may feel that way, but religion is far larger than simple superstition.
This I agree with whole-heartedly, and it's why I identify myself as purely Christian. I don't trust any one person, let alone a group of rich old men, to decide what is or isn't His word.
I get the feeling you've misinterpreted me and I apologise for my wording. Where I said religion above, and earlier, I meant the beliefs and the story, so to speak. Not the organisation of people. The beliefs are absolutely superstition. Community and morality, and the message we as a people interpret from the story, come later, and are obviously not superstition. The story on which Christianity, and any religion, is based, is superstition by any definition of the word.
Which is more what I meant. Jesus existed, although that was not his name, but so much else is superstition. There is no evidence to suggest he was anything more than a pretty good dude who travelled around helping folk and telling stories.
Which, while I remember, why is that not good enough? Why does he have to be the son of a mythical being? He was, as best I can tell, a peacemaker and a preacher and a healer and a freedom fighter. That's pretty serious stuff anyway.