Sorry gents, had to at some point do some work last night so exited to do so. Glad the convo went on though. Has provided me with stimulating material for the train ride in.
It was written as an eyewitness testimony that pointed to people who were still alive as being able to verify the story. If you read the story of Luke, you could, when it had been written, go to one of the people mentioned in the story and ask them about it. That's what I mean by 'it wasn't written in a chinese whispers way'.
Not to mention, there is no literature at the time by the Jews disputing or correcting the resurrection account. No Jewish literature that survives, and there is some of it, every said 'Actually, they were wrong - here's the body' and
that is all they needed to do to stop the movement.
Yet it never happened.
Homer's Illiad is a story of the Trojan war, not a recounting of it. The Trojan War was Greek mythology; completely different to an eyewitness account. The fact they base themselves on a probable event in Greek history is the same as Stan Lee's Captain America being about WWII with a few super hero's thrown into it; you don't doubt that WWII happened, but you realise Captain America is a myth.
Not fringe at all.
Bauckham's work is well accepted and a number of scholars, including Rodney Stark (Secular historian) consider it to be accurate.
There isn't a lack of decent evidence re when they were written. Given the ages of Paul etc, the originals were all likely written pre 100AD; Acts for certainty was written before 66AD due to the lack of mention of the fall of Jerusalem.
Yes, this does tend to happen. Bias is bias, no matter what side of it you're on.
I do tend to reject the Catholic Church for a lot of the things they've done. Not fully, for I know there are a lot of faithful Christians who are Catholic, but the institution should be shut down.
The interpretation bit is interesting - by interpret, do you mean the scriptures or how it is implemented?
Maybe. I'm suggesting the accounts were written by people who saw / knew Jesus, or by people who got their information from people who saw / knew Jesus.
Exactly what would prove it to you, though? What proof of the supernatural do you need? Genuine question.
The church, as the group of Christians in 100-odd AD, decided based on what it knew to be true writings from those who had first hand knowledge of Jesus.
Secondly, why doesn't it get to decide? Exactly who should get to decide, the Shooters Party?! You complain on one end that the Romans decided what was in the bible, so I show you that isn't true. You then complain that the Christians decided what was in the bible, and I'm thinking 'What is your point?' The basis for the canon was decided on who had first hand knowledge of Jesus and the movement of the Holy Spirit in those people to decide what not to include.
Thirdly, men didn't dictate what is true and what is not true. This is the bit where I get all 'supernatural' on you and suggest the Holy Spirit played its role in determining what to keep by moving through people and interacting in history. You can laugh at it all you want, but I don't believe the canon was 'selected' by men, but rather by the Holy Spirit - that is why I believe I can trust it.
You're right. I can't trust human fallibility. So I'm not.
I agree there is an issue with 'men' twisting the word of God.
Re the 'why are we His prized creations?' Because we were made in His image. That is why. We were meant to be the reflection of Him. A short answer for a larger question re the Imageo Dei.
His name was Ἰησοῦς, which the Greek for ישוע, a Hebrew word for Yeshua and it means "to rescue", "to deliver". The English translation of the word is Jesus, which stems from the Greek. Why you keep pointing that out, as if it is some great debunker, is a curiosity for me. The issue is translation, not meaning.
Because He said He was? The man spoke for Himself and said 'I am the son of God', and 'I am God' over and over and over again in the gospels. That's why. To ask that question is to completely ignore what He said about Himself.
Yes, He was all those things. I am glad we agree on those things
I actually think that
is an issue, mate. I would rather someone not associate themselves with Christianity or call themselves Christian unless they hold to the beliefs of the faith; using Christianity for anything else is a perversion of it.
I'm not saying I want to disclude them from things; quite the opposite. I want to be in their lives explaining to them what the gospel actually is. But I have an issue when people say they believe but have never actually done more than say that. It has caused humongous issues for the history of Christianity. (Crusades, anyone?)
He made us in His realm. That's why.
The arc of salvation is not that the earth is some realm and heaven another. No, that is not the story my friend! The story of the gospel is that Jesus the Christ came to earth to
redeem it, and part of the redemption process will be the recreation of the earth to be perfect as it should have originally been!
That is the gospel. Earth will
become heaven when Jesus returns, and that is why it is so exciting!
Actually, the tale of Adam and Eve is a poem, or a chant. The similarities it shares with ANE creation stories is there, but the differences in the story are what is important. I don't doubt there was an Adam and Eve (of sorts, I'm still doing the research to better understand it, but I believe they were two people who were led to the Garden by God - Genesis 2:7-8 makes it seem that way) and I don't doubt God created the world, but the methodology of how He did it is very much
not the realm of the bible.
That He created it is enough. The 6 days were symbolic of various things and relate to the ANE creation experience.
Kind of. Its truth mingled with meaning. The Gilgamesh epic, the Flood story and a few others similar to it all originate from different sources, but are similar in their story. What they do suggest is a flood happened. What they then do is interpret the meaning of the flood. As you say, Christians have mythologised their own scriptures, when they should have worked harder to understand it and the meaning it was presenting. For instance, the Catholic Church ruined the Song of Solomon for nearly 1500 years by claiming it was allegory. Its only now we read it as something different. etc etc etc.
So its not to dismiss the flood tale; its simply recognising where it sits and why it sits there.
There is so much human arrogance in modern religion but outside of it too. It never ceases to amaze me and I find it very frustrating. Our time in this world has been minuscule, the space we take up in this world is next to nothing and the impact we'll have had on it when we're long gone will be barely a blimp on the radar. I can't stand the belief that we humans have some privileged position in the universe because everything suggests it is absolute nonsense.
That's a scientific-philosophical manner of looking at it. Given we're the only sentient beings in the solar system we live in, that makes us pretty special. Discounting our uniqueness is a very easy way to level us with animals. If we're all animals (I know we're mammals, but I mean animals as in unthinking), then we have significant philosophical issues to sort out re morals, ethics etc.
But if He did create it, why is there a problem with not recognising it? I create beautiful pictures via my camera, and people give me credit for it. It doesn't take away from the picture at all. Same with glorifying God for the world he created.
Who said anything about fairies? ;-)
Two things.
1. God loves all of humanity. Even the Hitlers.
2. God hates sin. Even the sin in people like Martin Luther King Jnr.
The 'God hates androtops' and all equivalents across varying topics thing is wrong. Just wrong. Completely and utterly wrong.
God does not hate you. I
cannot in more insistent language make that claim.
Humans here have created the disservice and started the prejudice. We must separate the beliefs from the believers. How we are to act when we are Christians is enormously different to how Christians must love those who are not of the faith and not living in a way that is in line with how God created us. They are a dichotomy that Christianity and Christian societies have completely f**ked up.
I hope that clears things up a little.
Have a read. Try not to cry. I teared up. C.S. Lewis believes similarly. To quote my favourite part:
As a guy who has a dog in Tonga that I love almost as much as my kid, I cannot believe God would let him rot when the new creation comes. I do believe, in fact, that he will be by my side.
It rocks, hey
Solid thread, Bushy.
While I don't agree with him, I do enjoy and respect The Hitch. He was so bloody articulate. I mourn his death.
What gets you into heaven isn't what you've done, but what you've placed your faith in. If you don't place your faith in Him, why would you be worried about where you're going? Serious question.
Good question.
Satan does not punish us. He is the tempter, not the punisher. A little background on Satan. We don't know much about him, except he was an angel of God who turned from God and was cast out of heaven. That's all we really know. Satan made earth his realm, I suppose you could call it. He tempts those to worship anything that isn't God. This is very subtle and very broad.
The root sin of Christians, as identified by Genesis 3, is idolatry; the turning away from God to worship something else. As David Foster Wallace suggests, we can worship anything:
Satan attempts to do this in any way he can. We can worship anything, and he tries to get us to do that.
I now cite Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus is tempted in the desert. In this instance, Jesus is tempted by Satan. Not punished. This is the clearest MO we see on what Satan does. The difference between us and Jesus is Jesus doesn't succumb, where we do.
Re judgement; God will render to us what we deserve on the final day. If we place our faith in Jesus as our atoning, propitiatory substitute, then God will judge us according to Jesus' deeds, which will see us redeemed as a child of God. If we do not, and place our faith in something else, God will give us up to that faith and allow us to worship it for the rest of eternity. The issue with that is worship of anything that isn't God will lead to disintegration; emotional, psychological, physical. That is hell.
Side note. I took 1 hour and 26 minutes to write that. Don't tell my boss...
Apologies for any spelling too. I'll come back and edit it at lunch.
Pretty sure War & Peace is shorter than that post...