For those who don't want to read my lengthy article. My ten things are:
10. Lack of street food
9. The image of masculinity and lack of mental health support.
8. Our current political situation
7. Our boring history
6. No career options (for me)
5. Australian girls
4. Lack of genuine patriotism (not Cronulla racism)
3. Expensive to travel within Australia
2. Cost of living
1. Racism
You can read the full
10 Reasons I Hate Living in Australia if you like. The comments section has a few pearlers.
I appreciate the list is one that is specific to you, but in the interest of discussion...
10-Absolutely agree, and would go further and say the lack of genuine culture in general. What is uniquely Australian about our culture? There's not a hell of a lot that's interesting. We've absorbed a lot of great cultures, but they aren't necessarily expressed...
9-I think this is a bit of a stereotype rather than reality tbh. I think the image of a masculine working class man is mostly a thing of the past. I'm certainly glad I have a mental health issue in Australia. Sure, there are better countries for mental health care, but I've never had a problem finding good care when I needed it.
8-Mildly disagree. Not that I'm an Abbott fan, it's that I think politically we're still better off than most even with Mr Crazy in charge, and we can vote them out in the short term if required. So many people don't have that option. That said, practically all politicians are slime bags.
7-We're a very young country who has thankfully had a mostly peaceful history, and not been touched by either world war in the sense of having conflict on our shores. It might not be as interesting as other countries in the modern sense, but it's also incredibly interesting in the paleolithic sense IMO.
6-Can't comment really
5-I've never had an issue talking to, or otherwise enjoying the company, of Australian girls. I find it much like America...there are the ones who love themselves, and you can identify them quickly and move on to someone fun.
4-I feel like we focus our patriotism on sport, and I would say a lot of the perceived lack of patriotism is misguided. For me, Australia does have a history of genuine patriotism, of men and women fighting for their country particularly, even in conflicts that didn't really concern us. I personally see the majority of so called American patriotism (for example) as pure jingoism, and I wouldn't want Australia to go that way because that way lies more Cronulla riot-patriotism...
3-Agree, but I do understand why it costs what it does.
2-Agree, but I think it's a problem everywhere. You or I might find living in China cheap for example, but I don't think the Chinese do
1-I actually think this is really exaggerated in Australia. I encountered more racism in Asia and America than I ever have here. Koreans and the Taiwanese particularly. That said, it's a universal issue and tbh I think it's an exaggerated issue. It seems every little thing is racist if a white guy says it. I also think the classic Australian attitude of saying things how they are, and the laconic/ironic way we have, doesn't help the image