Smith's comments clearly show how out of touch he is with the tribalism that is NEWCASTLE.
I wonder if he realises that a % of the so called faceless people on this forum are members of the Crusasde, season ticket holders and reguloar attendees at games.
These people are not faceless, they are supporters who will be around a lot longer then Smith.
It would be naive to think that Smith would react, by making changes, based on fans opinions however, his comments smack of arrogance and show how out of touch he is with the people that make the game what it is. THE FANS.
I wouldn't agree mate, I think he has proven himself to be quite open and accessable to fans - but that isn't really the issue.
You might have a point about him not understanding Newcastle fans, but to be fair he did coach the Dragons, and their fans arent just "passionate", they are often "deranged", so I think he knows about overbearing fans, although his tenure there was before the internet took hold, so its not quite the same.
I would be worried if he did change selections based on fan pressure - that isn't a way to pick a team.
But I am more worried that he picks Wicks in the first place.
I don't think it will worry Smithy one bit - but soft serve will probably be feeling a bit down about it, I know I would if I was him.
Still, in true netspeak, LOL @ this article...